Why Do I Need to Take My Indoor Cat to the Vet?
Other Facebook pages where you might post the found cat include Saving Animals in Greater St. Louis and Surrounding Areas and Saving St. Louis Pets. You can also call your local animal control to see if anyone has reported a lost cat matching the found cat’s description, or see if your local animal control has a networking group on Facebook . If none of your searching turns up an owner, the final step is to place your own “found cat” ads.
From there the vet will want to check for the following issues common to cats who have been living outdoors for an extended time. If you do not already have a trusted community cat-friendly veterinarian or clinic, we have some advice on finding the right veterinary professional for your needs. Your partner veterinarian should be able to aid you not only in treating sick or injured community cats, but also in every aspect of your TNR work. As a community cat advocate, it’s always wise to plan ahead for how you’ll pay for veterinary bills, including any beyond the usual spay and neuter, vaccination, and eartip.
Hurricane Ian response – HSUS News
Hurricane Ian response.
Yes, cats can return home many days, weeks, months, and even years after they wandered off or were lost. If your cat has ever gone missing, you know that feeling of dread and worry as you wonder where your pet has gone. It’s only natural to wonder how they got out and whether it’s true that cats can find their own way home. Any stray or unwanted dog, cat, or ferret that bites a person may be euthanized immediately by an animal health professional and the head should be submitted for rabies testing.
Community Support
Remember that trapping is stressful for community cats and should only be done out of necessity, such as for spay and neuter or to treat more serious injuries or illnesses. The only way to know what costs will come into play is to have the cat checked out by the veterinarian. They will determine what kinds of tests are necessary and eventually, what kinds of treatments, if any, will be needed. The veterinarian may accept a payment plan, so you won’t have to come up with the cost of all needed vet services up front.
Either they have a home that they wandered away from, they have been abandoned and are now a stray, or they are a feral cat that has never been socialized to humans. It’s important to determine which category you’re dealing with before taking any action to help. If you’re in the position of helping a stray cat, keep reading to learn which actions you should take. Capture and contain it with care.If you see a stray cat or dog, try to capture and contain the animal if circumstances permit.
Free Rabies Vaccinations For Dogs & Cats at ‘Bark At The Park’ in November – kkyr.com
Free Rabies Vaccinations For Dogs & Cats at ‘Bark At The Park’ in November.
Your vet can evaluate any ailments the cat has and begin treatment. Feline leukemia is common with cats who have had to live on the streets for any length of time. With stray cats, they often contract the disease from bite wounds or mutual grooming. If you’ve exhausted all your resources and failed to track down an owner, it’s likely that the cat has been abandoned and is in need of a new home. If you do, your first step, if you haven’t already done so, is to take them to the vet for a health check and to schedule vaccinations as well as spaying or neutering.
A thorough oral examination during your cat’s check-up is essential to keep her mouth healthy and pain-free. According to pet detective and lost cat expert Kat Albrecht, missing cats tend to hide, in silence, typically staying close to home1. Lost dogs, on the other hand, tend to run and travel great distances quickly. Then, take a look at our guide, which is full of tips and helpful information that can help you bring your cat home. And get a GPS cat tracker so you always know where they are, and prevent your cat from going missing again. Another virus that’s common with stray cats is feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV.
By taking a stray cat to the vet, the veterinarian will be able to scan for a microchip and check the overall health of the cat. Cats are capable of some pretty amazing return-home feats, but it’s best to not rely on this alone if your cat is missing. Keep checking the neighborhood and local shelters, as well as around your house or your neighbors’ houses.
Most cats are found within 500 meters of their house or spot where they first escaped, so a thorough search of the immediate area is one of the best initial steps towards finding your pet. If the confined animal develops any signs of illness, it should be evaluated by a veterinarian. Any illness in the animal should be reported immediately to the local health department.
Hopefully, you’ll never find yourself in this situation, but if you do, remember not to panic. While not all pets make it back home, the quicker you spring into action and the broader your search network, the more likely you’ll have your furry friend back in your arms again. Together with your vet, examine your cat for fleas, ticks, cuts, bites, wounds, and anything else unusual. Your veterinarian will check their body weight and condition and may recommend bloodwork to assess hydration and other organ function. Pet owners should be encouraged to not pick up or touch dead animals.
Choose a safe room in your home to keep the cat in (even a large, walk-in closet or bathroom that isn’t being used will work). The more people who visit the area, the more stressed out, frightened, and threatened the cat will feel. If your cat is scared, they may not come out of their hiding place easily.
This virus is similar to FeLV in that it’s slow to manifest and can leave the cat susceptible to secondary issues — in this case infections. The most common cause of FIV is deep bite wounds, as when stray cats fight. Stray Haven Rescue is a 501 non-profit animal rescue organization that was founded in St. Louis, Missouri.
If you’re considering adopting a free kitten, learn some of the things to keep in mind, from potential health problems to socialization issues. From natural disasters to animal cruelty investigations, we are on the front lines protecting animals in times of crisis. Disease or injury – If your cat was not feeling well or was injured, they may have sought safety under someone’s porch or barn. An experiment that was done in 1954 placed cats in a very large maze to see if they could exit the maze and head home. It turned out that most of the cats exited the maze in the area closest to their home location.

Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I’ve gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It’s the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.