What to Do With Sick or Injured Stray Cats

Connect with your veterinarian and ask if they would be willing to house the cat during recovery, or for advice on how to create the best possible recovery space in your home. See our information on in-trap care and setting up a holding/recovery area. Community cats are just as healthy as pet cats, and do not pose a public health risk. Parasites can also infect the cat’s gastrointestinal system.

Watch Adorable Cat Wrestle with a Shark at Indiana Shelter – wkdq.com

Watch Adorable Cat Wrestle with a Shark at Indiana Shelter.

Alley Cat Allies advocates euthanasia only for a terminal illness or untreatable injury. Unfortunately, some veterinarians who haven’t been trained to work with community cats believe in “euthanizing” (i.e. killing) community cats rather than treating them. Remember that trapping is stressful for community cats and should only be done out of necessity, such as for spay and neuter or to treat more serious injuries or illnesses.

Lack of nutrition suppresses their immune systems, making them more vulnerable to a host of diseases. Random breeding and fighting with other cats expose them to bacterial and viral infections such as FIV. All of these problems shorten the lives of feral cats. Food, water, and protection from the elements are valuable commodities in the feral world.

Call local humane societies and rescue organizations to find out where to donate funds. Once they get used to coming near you to eat, they may be willing to come to you for a pet and eventually into the carrier for transport to a veterinarian. Unless it is a life-and-death emergency, you will have to keep the cat safe and comfortable until you can get an appointment with a veterinarian. They can travel from an infected cat to another feline with close contact, such as when cats play or sleep together.

You never know when you’re going to find a person that just connects and will make a great forever owner,” he says. If you’re not able to make a feral cat box, you can also buy one. There are cat heated bedsand unheated options as well as “houses” that can be used as shelters for stray cats. With early socialization in managed colonies, kittens born to feral cats can be domesticated. Learning to live with humans in protected environments increases their lifespan tremendously.

Internal Parasites

Certain cats respond well to relaxing pheromone sprays that you can spritz inside the carrier or diffuse in your home on the big vet visit day. Try feeding your cat inside the carrier, which is an especially good trick for those who need to feed their cats separately for weight control. You should also line it with newspaper to soak up urine, and always keep a clean towel inside. Before transitioning your stray cat into your care, you will want to make sure you have all the right cat supplies. You have some options when it comes to deciding what to do with a stray cat that has “adopted” you. It’s all about figuring out what is best for the cat and for you.

Caring for Stray Cats Who Prefer to Stay Outdoors

Feral cats are skilled hunters who eat small rodents and birds. They scavenge carcasses of animals already dead and scour garbage bins for edible scraps. Water sources may include gutters, puddles, ponds, bird baths, etc. Feral cats often live in groups and seek the shelter of alleys, building eaves, trees, caves, or any natural or man-made structure that will provide a cover and windbreak. They may roam in search of food and water, but often lay claim to sleeping quarters by marking their territory.

If nothing else, you can provide useful health and personality information to interested adopters if you can’t keep the cat yourself. Another virus that’s common with stray cats is feline immunodeficiency virus, or FIV. This virus is similar to FeLV in that it’s slow to manifest and can leave the cat susceptible to secondary issues — in this case infections. The most common cause of FIV is deep bite wounds, as when stray cats fight. Feline tooth resorption has been widely reported in domestic cats and sporadically described in other felidae.

For community cats with mild issues, it may be best to allow them to heal in their outdoor home rather than trapping them. The cost of a trip to the veterinarian with a stray cat can be extensive if the kitty has multiple problems to address. However, you should not expect a veterinarian to provide you with a bunch of free services as a thank you.

Other dental anomalies found included fused teeth, supernumerary roots, or missing teeth. The prevalence of dental resorption in wild felidae was lower than reported in the domestic cat. Some stray cats will be friendly right off the bat, but with others, it may take time and patience to establish trust. “If a cat is not comfortable with humans, they will mostly scratch or bite if you attempt to handle them.

This can also be helpful in determining whether the cat has been taken to the vet or is on flea and tick medicine. For over 50 years, the Uvalde Youth Rodeo Club has been promoting kids, horses, family and good sportsmanship with summer series rodeos during the summer. SWTVMC is honored to sponsor this special award given to a cowboy or cowgirl that shows improvement, exceptional sportsmanship and dedication to the sport of rodeo. At SWTVMC, we are dedicated to our community and committed to improving it. You can also find financial resources at alleycat.org/Economy.

Veterinarians like to help animals, but they must make a living to keep their doors open and their families thriving. A veterinarian can scan a cat for a microchip, so if there is an owner it can be found, but that’s generally the extent of available free services. Here’s what you need to know about the costs of taking a stray cat to a vet in 2022. If the cat is friendly, Fernandez recommends contacting local rescue organizations, which have resources to rehome cats. “Sometimes it’s just about finding the right fit for a stray’s personality.

A cat’s behavior and level of socialization can help guide your treatment. Cats infected with ear mites will excessively scratch the affected area. You may see a substance that looks like coffee grounds or a thick, red-brown crust on the outer ear. 5 Division of Pathology, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, India.

Some resources are focused specifically on veterinary care. If you find that you cannot afford the veterinarian care of the stray cat that you are trying to save, don’t feel guilty. Instead, find a humane society or rescue center in your area that is willing to take the cat in and provide it with the care that they need. Ownerless cats may look the same, but there is a difference between stray and feral cats. A feral cat is born and lives in the wild with little or no human contact. If you do choose to cover the cost of a check-up, be prepared to be faced with a larger bill for further necessary services.

SARS-CoV-2 infection in cats and dogs in infected mink farms. In my experience, this is absolutely a factor –– a big one. At least once a day, our office fields a call from a cat owner who has to cancel at the last minute because kitty isn’t amenable to carrier confinement. It may also involve testing out different types of cat litterto find the one that most closely mirrors what the cat was relieving himself on outside. “There’s actually a litter meant to help transition cats from outdoor to indoor living—it’s called Touch of Outdoors [Dr.

“You can make a feral cat box—there are lots of online tutorials—or you could even open up your garage on really cold nights,” Phillips says. Report feral or stray cats to the authorities that can help them. Consult a trusted, community cat-friendly veterinarian. Biology and Behavior of the Cat – Cats have lived outdoors for thousands of years and are part of the natural landscape. Studies prove that cats play important roles in balancing the local ecosystem.

The veterinarian will start with checking for a microchip. From there the vet will want to check for the following issues common to cats who have been living outdoors for an extended time. Many of these cats avoid people; however, stray cats will sometimes yearn for human interaction .

They avoid people and hide, back away, or flee when they spot humans. You may be able to find veterinarians in your area who are community cat friendly or even low cost. Or, you can find a local TNR advocate or group and ask if they have a veterinarian they can recommend. Search for members near you at alleycat.org/FindFeralFriends. The Natural History of the Cat – Understanding cats’ place in history and human evolution proves that cats can be just as at home outside as they are inside.

When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. FIV presents with a host of symptoms including fever, weight loss, diarrhea, sneezing, and discharge. However, as with FeLV, the disease has already taken a stronghold on the cat’s body once the symptoms manifest. Understanding the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) exposure in companion, captive, wild, and farmed animals. Retrospective survey of dental anomalies and pathology detected on maxillary occlusal radiographs in children between 3 and 5 years of age.

Close openings in garages, sheds, and under porches where feral cats may seek shelter. Use commercial or natural odor repellants to discourage visits to your garden or flower beds. Place motion activated lights or noise traps that will deter jumping on cars and fences.

Programs that target kittens not only help individual cats survive, but further reduce the feral population by removing kittens from the reproductive pool. Stray cats learn to live on their own and may adopt feral behaviors as their contact with humans decreases. If you already have pet cats, you should be aware that by bringing in stray cats or even just handling them, you can put them at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

Go slow and always allow the cat a way to leave the situation so that they don’t feel cornered,” says Gouge. If you are set on adopting this stray cat into your home, and you know they do not belong to someone, then you can begin the transition process. Feral cats are fiercely independent and survive without the help of humans.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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