What to Do When a Stray Cat Shows Up at Your Door

For example, this is one of the only times where you may consider using a net. A veterinary professional can help evaluate whether a cat needs to be brought to the clinic right away for an illness or injury. Prior to taking any action, contact your chosen veterinarian and describe the cat’s condition.

We offer several low-cost spay/neuter programs to reduce overpopulation. Refrain from trapping a nursing mother sooner than necessary so she can care for her kittens. A lactating female will continue to make milk after being spayed and can return to nurse her kittens. She should not be held more than 24 hours, if her kittens are actively nursing.

No cat should suffer veterinary neglect over a simple issue like cat carrier transport. Although veterinary conventional wisdom tends to lay the blame on clients’ unwillingness to spend on their cats , the truth is that getting a cat inside a box is considered a colossal stumbling block for many pet owners. Keep a regular feeding schedule to show the cat that you’re reliable. This demonstrates to your cat that you are a trustworthy source of food and will help it to bond with you.

To develop a relationship with a cat, consistently place the food outdoors in a small space that she can access but a larger animal cannot. If you trap one or two days before surgery, provide clean bedding, food and water every day. Free-roaming cats presented without an appointment in containers other than a humane trap will be declined for surgery and requested to come on a different day with the cat in a humane trap.

6 Best Outdoor Cat Houses of 2022 – Top Feral Cat Shelters – Good Housekeeping

6 Best Outdoor Cat Houses of 2022 – Top Feral Cat Shelters.

No appointment is necessary for stray cats in humane traps, but we request you call ahead to let us know you are coming. Please arrive at Pets In Stitches before noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with up to two stray cats to be added to our schedule. We offer affordable, convenient spay and neuter to stray cats, along with vaccinations and ear tipping. If it seems like the cat is letting down its guard and beginning to trust you, try moving the food a little bit closer to you each day. You can also try offering a few special treats along with the meal. It’s important to keep in mind that you won’t want to touch the cat until you’re very confident that he or she will allow it.

While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Stray cats don’t know where their next meal will come from. They don’t have a dedicated safe place to sleep where they will be protected from the outdoor elements and possible predators. They tend to get into fights with other cats that might be infected with a contagious disease. If you had brought this rescue kitty home and not taken him to the veterinarian, you might not have known for weeks or months that he suffered from ear mites. It may also involve testing out different types of cat litterto find the one that most closely mirrors what the cat was relieving himself on outside.

In my experience, this is absolutely a factor –– a big one. At least once a day, our office fields a call from a cat owner who has to cancel at the last minute because kitty isn’t amenable to carrier confinement. If the cat won’t go into its carrier, place a bowl of food into the cage to tempt the cat inside. If the cat won’t eat the food, try placing the bowl further away from the house.

Ask the vet to check for fleas, worms, infections, injuries, and diseases, and to prescribe any necessary medications. Keep the cat isolated from other animals until it is free from any parasites or illnesses. Wash your hands after touching the stray cat to avoid passing on any germs to other pets in your house. Taking in a stray cat is a great way to adopt a new pet that otherwise may never have a good home. Before you decide to adopt the pet as your own, make sure that it doesn’t have an owner.

Reasons to Bring a Stray Cat to the Veterinarian

You’ll also find tips for interviewing potential adopters, a contract for legal transferring of ownership, and much more. A stray kitty you bring home could have anything — from an obvious upper respiratory infection to a viral disease , or an unknown problem to FIV or other diseases. “Intact” means this kitten was not neutered — he still has his testicles. If he had a family, they didn’t neuter him before other cats started picking on him.

Again, without veterinary care, nobody would have detected this problem until parasites took over the cat and caused him major GI upset. If you bring a stray kitten or cat into your home, don’t think he is fine, even if he looks OK. In our case, this “healthy” young cat had at least 6 problems that could have worsened if we hadn’t looked for them. Free-roaming and abandoned cats aren’t confined to one house or other shelter. They may be tame but are unowned, born in the wild or discarded by its mother or a negligent human.

If they do not, call other vet hospitals in your area to see who does, or refer to the list below. Not all handle feral cats so be sure to share as much as you know about the cat’s temperament to prepare the medical team. When doingTNR, it’s important to let your veterinarian know ahead of time that you might bring in sick or injured cats for treatment.

They may have recommendations for veterinarians who are willing and experienced with TNR. If you do choose to cover the cost of a check-up, be prepared to be faced with a larger bill for further necessary services. Chances are that the stray cat has some type of disease, illness, or injury. You can always reach out to local no-kill shelters and humane societies for help with treatment if it turns out that you can’t afford the medical care after paying for the initial check-up. If the cat is friendly, Fernandez recommends contacting local rescue organizations, which have resources to rehome cats. “Sometimes it’s just about finding the right fit for a stray’s personality.

Bring 1 animal into the cat’s room at a time to allow them to slowly get acquainted. Once both animals seem comfortable, introduce another animal. Continue to repeat this process until all your pets are comfortable being in the same space together. Stray cats are often shy and won’t come inside near people. Place a bowl of cat food outside at the same time each day. You may be able to find veterinarians in your area who are community cat friendly or even low cost.

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For community cats with mild issues, it may be best to allow them to heal in their outdoor home rather than trapping them. One of the most important reasons to bring a stray cat to the vet is to check if the cat is microchipped. If he is not chipped, you can ask your vet about the proper next step. Different regions have different rules – for example, some areas require you to report the cat to animal control and some areas may insist you bring the cat to an animal shelter for a holding period. You can take a stray cat to the vet, and should do so if you are comfortable with it. A stray cat is one that is homeless or lost versus a feral cat that is unsocialized and cannot be handled by people.

The MSPCA receives numerous calls from individuals with questions who have noticed cats roaming freely in their neighborhoods. You should also never approach a cat that seems sick, even though you likely want to do everything in your power to help the poor kitty. If a feral cat has randomly shown up at your back door, there’s a decent chance he or she has rabies, and it’s far safer to call local animal control and avoid the risk of being bitten or scratched and requiring medical attention. While you are trying to find the owner, set the cat up with food, water, a litter box , and a little towel or blanket in a bathroom, spare bedroom, or basement (don’t allow the cat around your pets or their food and supplies).

Use cheaper, smelly canned food such as Friskies or Whiska’s to bait the trap. Add a small amount of food directly on a small piece of newspaper deep in the back of the trap. Make the food difficult to reach so that the cat must enter the trap completely and step on the trap mechanism. However, try not to make eye contact when you spot the cat . Instead, remain still and quiet and either sit or stand quietly in the general vicinity while the kitty eats. After a few days, you can build up to speaking to your cat in a calm and reassuring voice.

6 Reasons to Bring a Stray Cat to the Veterinarian

You can also provide a cooling pet pad, like The Green Pet Shop self-cooling pet pad, so your outdoor kitty always has a place to relax and cool down during hotter days. Many of these cats avoid people; however, stray cats will sometimes yearn for human interaction . If you feel safe, approach the cat slowly and speak in a soft voice. Offer a can of tuna or cat food, a bowl of water and shelter, if possible.

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If you’re willing and able, you can help the cat by fostering it yourself after he or she has had appropriate disease testing and vaccinations, since shelter space is always at a premium. Again, if you’d like to help control the free-roaming cat population in your area, be sure to spay/neuter your pets, keep your cats indoors, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. So, as a responsible friend to animals, take the next step. You can purchase a Havahart or box trap or borrow one from your vet or local animal shelter.

Connect with your veterinarian and ask if they would be willing to house the cat during recovery, or for advice on how to create the best possible recovery space in your home. See our information on in-trap care and setting up a holding/recovery area. Where in the world where she feels she can make a difference. Animals also happen to be her favorite topic to write about!


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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