What to Do When A Stray Cat Adopts You

Basically, these fuzzy interlopers can show up on your doorstep asking for cat food, shelter and attention. If you have multiple pets in your home, the stray cat may feel overwhelmed. Bring 1 animal into the cat’s room at a time to allow them to slowly get acquainted. Once both animals seem comfortable, introduce another animal. Continue to repeat this process until all your pets are comfortable being in the same space together. Many stray cats will interpret direct eye contact as threatening.

Hopefully, the cat will trust you by the time that you need to go to the vet. You may decide to keep the cat as a pet when all is said and done! If nothing else, you can provide useful health and personality information to interested adopters if you can’t keep the cat yourself. If the cat is friendly, Fernandez recommends contacting local rescue organizations, which have resources to rehome cats.

Even if you welcome in a cat who has the ability to impregnate others, the responsible cat owner thing to do is to make sure that they won’t leave unwanted litters behind. When doingTNR, it’s important to let your veterinarian know ahead of time that you might bring in sick or injured cats for treatment. At this point, the veterinarian should be knowledgeable about TNR and community cats and understand that the cats will need to be returned to their original outdoor home once they recover from treatment.

Our goal is to educate the public about the companion animal overpopulation issue and help to provide solutions to end the killing of adoptable animals. Here’s what you should know before adopting a stray cat, according to experts. Create a barrier or use a carrier, leash, piece of cloth, or length of rope to keep the animal in the area.

It’s important for you to have an action plan in place to provide the best care and make the right decisions to save the life of any sick or injured feline. Symptoms of feline leukemia can take months or even years to manifest, which is why a veterinarian check is so important before introducing a stray cat into a multi-pet household. Unfortunately, some of the time infected cats don’t enjoy long lives. They often succumb to related diseases, blood disorders or cancers. Although, supportive care often keep a cat relatively healthy for years, providing a cancer has not yet devolved.

“You have to gradually increase their comfort by associating your presence with something they really like—usually food,” she says. Over time, the cat will get used to your voice and scent and will be less afraid of being touched. Don’t worry if the cat won’t let you touch them very often at first, this is normal behaviour for a stray cat.

We helped rescue 275 dogs from a suspected dogfighting operation in South Carolina. Your support is needed now more than ever to give these dogs and other animals the life they deserve. You’d want them to take your pet to a veterinarian, and you’d want them to try to find you. At the same time, be reasonable about how much you can afford to do for that animal if no owner shows up. Your support is needed NOW more than ever to give these dogs and other animals the life they deserve.

While all cats need love and deserve a safe home environment, not every cat is a good match for every family. “Some cats are suitable for homes with children or elderly people and others aren’t,” she says. If you’re adopting a cat that’s spent some time without a proper home and care, you probably have no idea what their medical history is or whether they have any current health issues. Plus, if your new fur baby is suffering from a more serious illness, the sooner you get treatment for them, the better. But first, you should make sure that you’re not accidentally grabbing someone’s lost or collarless pet. “Once you’ve gained enough trust to hold the cat, take a look to see if it has a collar,” she says.

So You Found a Cat

Sign up and make sure you are always on top of the most important info for you and your pets. FIV presents with a host of symptoms including fever, weight loss, diarrhea, sneezing, and discharge. However, as with FeLV, the disease has already taken a stronghold on the cat’s body once the symptoms manifest. Even if he is not the aggressor, an intact male cat is more susceptible to cat fights, which can put him at risk for trauma and contagious diseases such as FIV (“feline AIDS”). The stray you take in could have a host of problems in need of treatment. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you.

But it’s important to keep in mind that for them, this could be a scary time of transition. Even if they’re glad to have food, a place to sleep, and the love you can offer them, they might be very scared. “Know that easing a new cat into your family will take time,” Landis-Hanna says.

There are so many cat lovers out there who are willing and able to help in cases like this,” says Phillips. Some stray cats have already lived with humans, so they’re already well socialized and ready to be in a loving home. If the stray hasn’t lived with humans before but is still a kitten or a very young adult, it may not take long for the cat to become friendly and tame.

If the microchip has been registered to an owner, the microchip company can contact the owner to let them know their cat has been found. If the chip has not been registered, ask the company for the “implanter of record”. This is usually a rescue, vet’s office, or animal control facility that may have the owner’s information. If you already have a cat or if you’re also a dog parent, be sure to prepare them before bringing another animal to live in your home. If your current pet is very skittish around other animals, take some time to have animal playdates to get them used to it, or even work with a certified trainer if you’d like some extra guidance. But it’s also important to make sure that your new pet is good with other animals, Ochoa says.

If you know a TNR advocate or group in your area, consult with them. They may have recommendations for veterinarians who are willing and experienced with TNR. If you are lucky enough to be approached by such a cat, evaluate if you’re ready to take on the responsibility of a new pet. If the answer is yes, take the cat to a veterinarian before you integrate them into your household.

For this reason, always be careful when handling a stray cat. Always wash your hands after touching the cat, and get medical help immediately if you get scratched or bitten. If you plan to adopt a stray, take the cat to the vet right away for an exam and tests to make sure it doesn’t have any serious health problems.

Veterinarian Checklist for Stray Cats

Bringing in a stray cat may not be in his/her best interest if the cat appears healthy and thriving in the community. If the cat looks healthy and is not in any immediate danger it is very important to observe the cat over time rather than reacting in the moment. Ask around, talk to neighbors, post fliers, check lost and found facebook pages, see if anyone else knows the cat. If the animal has identification, you can contact the owner directly. Identification comes in many forms, so please check the animal thoroughly for a tag. You can bring an animal to most veterinary hospitals to scan the animal for a microchip.

“In addition to cat-proofing your home, plan to have a few quiet places for your new pet to ‘hide’ as it adjusts to its new environment,” Landis-Hana says. “All cats need their own little hideouts, but former strays especially, as they’re so used to having all the space they want.” Get to know the veterinarians and animal hospitals in your area, especially those familiar with caring for community cats. If you already have a trusted veterinarian and veterinary team but they are not fully familiar with the specific protocol for TNR or community cats, direct them to our .

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6 Best Outdoor Cat Houses of 2022 – Top Feral Cat Shelters.

For more information, please contact ourAdmissions Department. If you’re welcoming a stray cat into your home, all of the planning can sometimes get overwhelming. But make sure that you take some time and truly enjoy the love that a new pet can bring too. “If you choose to adopt an older cat, it may be beneficial to invest in pet insurance, but this is something you need to consider for your budget,” DeWire says.

A veterinary professional can help evaluate whether a cat needs to be brought to the clinic right away for an illness or injury. Prior to taking any action, contact your chosen veterinarian and describe the cat’s condition. For community cats with mild issues, it may be best to allow them to heal in their outdoor home rather than trapping them. If you do choose to cover the cost of a check-up, be prepared to be faced with a larger bill for further necessary services.

Visit our Cats at Mauhaus Cat Cafe

Contact the owner to ensure that they don’t want the cat and that they are happy for you to adopt it.A vet will typically charge around $50 for an appointment, but most will scan stray cats for free. If you’ve ever spent time with a cat, you know that they love tiny spaces. Whether it’s an empty cardboard box or a spot between two pillows, a cat will wriggle their way into the opening. Besides being super cute, having safe hiding spots for your new kitty is important for making them feel safe.

“Sometimes it’s just about finding the right fit for a stray’s personality. You never know when you’re going to find a person that just connects and will make a great forever owner,” he says. This includes a cat litter box, a place to snuggle up, and food and water. “ and a cozy environment will help the cat transition into this new life,” she notes.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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