What Should I Do if I Find a Lost Cat?

For example, a cat with an injury may experience discomfort or soil a vehicle or the ground without a towel or blanket covering the bottom of the trap. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. So, you might pay for vet services at first, but if you sign up for insurance right away, you could get financial help within just a couple of weeks. Any surgeries or other such treatments could be put off until the insurance kicks in if the veterinarian whom you are working with doesn’t find such treatments to be critical at the moment. Even subtle changes could signal diseases that could be developing—diseases you should catch and handle before it’s too late.

Cat hiding outside, close to home

With both roundworm and hookworm, cats are in danger of developing life-threatening anemia if the condition is left untreated too long. Bring in a fecal sample to check for internal parasites when bringing your new cat into the vet. They can travel from an infected cat to another feline with close contact, such as when cats play or sleep together. Stray cats commonly contract ear mites, and they can pass them on to other animals. If you haven’t already taken care of vaccinations and spaying or neutering, ask if the prospective guardian is willing to commit to having these procedures done.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Stray Cat Veterinarian Care?

When you think of it from a wild cat’s perspective, if you aren’t feeling well, you are more vulnerable to predators. But according to cat logic, if no one knows you’re sick and no one knows where you are, you should be safe. Cats leave home for many reasons, but they rarely “run away.” In many instances, cats simply get distracted and wander off or manage to find some trouble.

I’m a vet and there are four cat breeds I’d never own – one of them is way too aggressive… – The US Sun

I’m a vet and there are four cat breeds I’d never own – one of them is way too aggressive….

Many people don’t bother putting a collar or tags on their cats, so the fact that these are missing doesn’t necessarily mean that they are homeless. All cats have a homing instinct, whether they are indoor, outdoor, or stray cats. However, much like people having a sense of direction, some cats may have stronger instincts than others and be able to follow the trail home more effectively. If you live in areas where plague occurs, treat pet dogs and cats for flea control regularly and do not allow these animals to roam freely. Alley Cat Allies advocates euthanasia only for a terminal illness or untreatable injury.

Contact local or state health officials to determine the best place to send samples for diagnostic testing. Pestis may be identified microscopically by examination of Gram, Wright, Giemsa, or Wayson’s stained smears of peripheral blood, sputum, or lymph node specimen. Visualization of bipolar-staining, ovoid, Gram-negative organisms with a “safety pin” appearance permits a rapid presumptive diagnosis of plague. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. With up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

Gaining even a pound can make a huge difference in the health of an animal as small as a cat and can significantly affect their long-term health. Being overweight makes cats a lot more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Also, as you know, pets can’t talk to us, and cats in particular are very good at hiding pain and illness. They have a natural instinct to hide any signs of weakness, a skill that would keep them from being easy targets for predators and competitors in the wild. Remember, should your cat go missing, the most important thing is to not give up.

The American Veterinary Medical Association has a list of each state’s laws regarding the administration of the rabies vaccination. The core FVRCP vaccine is recommended for indoor cats, as it protects against three potentially deadly viruses. These viruses are airborne, which means your indoor cat could still contract them. How often your indoor cat needs to visit the vet may vary depending on your cat’s age.

Tips for Newborn Kitten Care

All ill animals, especially cats, should be seen by a veterinarian. Cats are highly susceptible to plague and are a common source of Yersinia pestis infection in humans . Dogs infected with plague are less likely to develop clinical illness than cats. Connect with your veterinarian and ask if they would be willing to house the cat during recovery, or for advice on how to create the best possible recovery space in your home. See our information on in-trap care and setting up a holding/recovery area.

It’s also very possible that an Animal Control officer or Humane Society group picked up your cat. This is definitely worth a few phone calls, and these people are also in an excellent position to help you find your cat. Keep your pet calm by covering their eyes, speaking quietly, or petting them.

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Book Excerpt: It’s not just humans at risk from COVID-19.

Most of the time cats do really well with the treatment and do not develop long-term issues. You can also post pets for rehoming on Craigslist or on Facebook in Pets Needing Rehomed St. Louis Area MO & IL. Please ask for a minimum $50 rehoming fee to help weed out the unsavory people previously mentioned, and please try to check them out first. You can use sites such as Missouri Casenet or other public records sites to view criminal and civil court records. Start by letting friends, family and co-workers know that you’re looking for someone to adopt the cat.

However, you may think that they got out when they are actually hiding in the house. So, the first step is critical—checking under beds, behind closed doors, and in closets, cabinets, attics, and basements—anywhere a cat could possibly hide. Cats with pneumonic plague can pose a significant plague risk to owners, veterinarians and others who handle or come into close contact with these animals due to possible aerosolization of bacteria. Transmission to humans can also occur directly by bites, scratches, and direct contact with infectious exudates or indirectly, as the pets may carry infected fleas to their owners. If you cannot get a stray cat to come to you and get into a carrier for transport to a veterinarian, you can take steps to create trust before trying again to get them to go with you for medical care.

How to find a lost indoor cat

They often succumb to related diseases, blood disorders or cancers. Although, supportive care often keep a cat relatively healthy for years, providing a cancer has not yet devolved. One option to help control the feral cat population in your neighborhood, reduce the risk of infectious diseases to your own pets, and potentially find homes for adoptable kittens is trap-neuter-return . There may be volunteering opportunities in your community to help with these efforts. TNR involves trapping feral cats and kittens, having them spayed or neutered and vaccinated, and either returning adult cats to their environment or finding homes or shelters to take in kittens. It’s a common misconception that indoor cats don’t need to go to the vet.

If you do choose to cover the cost of a check-up, be prepared to be faced with a larger bill for further necessary services. Chances are that the stray cat has some type of disease, illness, or injury. You can always reach out to local no-kill shelters and humane societies for help with treatment if it turns out that you can’t afford the medical care after paying for the initial check-up. Senior cats, those from 7-9 years of age and older, should get a check-up at least every 6 months, and more frequently if they suffer from any health issues.

You may not believe this as it sounds too good to be true but hand on heart, this is a genuine! Without Tractive, who knows where Kiwi would be now (probably shipped on a boat to a foreign country!). The first step is understanding that cats are territorial creatures, and that they often don’t leave their territory on purpose.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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