What is Bird Flu? Do I Need to Worry About It? NC State News

They’re protected as a species but the DNR should be able to help. Not so here, but perhaps not explained as well as could be. When I mentioned the CDC should be involved as the turkey mites got into my legs , the apartment put up the spikes I spoke of. Actually, there are more difficulties with this apartment complex . Have had carpenter ants and carpet beetles besides the turkey vultures which their mites actually got into my lower legs when I was dipping them into the pool–not clean. I knew we had turkey vultures around our house because I’ve seen them sitting on our neighbor’s roof, so I always kept an eye on our dogs while they were outside.

We gave him one month of antibiotics and he was better. Now it’s February and he started limping again so I got pet insurance. The waiting period is 2 weeks so I’ve been waiting to take him to the vet and just giving him more antibiotics and aspirin that I have at home.

Cook wild birds thoroughly – any cooked bird should reach an internal temperature of 165°F (73.9 C) or higher to make sure that organisms and parasites are killed and are no longer infective. When boning out the carcass, keep both the head and spine intact. Do not cut into the head of any antlered animal that showed abnormal behavior, even to remove the rack. When removing antlers from a healthy animal, use a hand saw rather than a power saw, and always wear safety glasses. If there are any old wounds on the carcass, and especially if there is pus present, meat in this area should be removed and discarded. A large area of tissue around the wound and pus pockets should also be cut away with the wound, even if the tissue looks normal, because it can still harbor infection.

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Once it’s in domestic birds, it can get spread from place to place by people. Some bird poop gets on your boots at one place, you go over to your neighbors to look at what they have going on and carry the virus with you. Learn why water is vital to your pet’s health, including how much water dogs & cats should drink per day and what to do if they drink too much/not enough. Cane toads, which infest much of Australia, are highly toxic to domestic animals, particularly dogs, according to BioMed Research International. A cane toad’s poisonous secretions are even more concentrated in its eggs, so watch out if your pet ingests an entire one.

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The major symptoms that indicate more serious illness are shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. This may lead to respiratory failure , when the lungs fill up with fluid and results in death in about 50% of infected patients. There have been two confirmed cases of deer parapoxvirus infection in humans in the U.S., both of whom were deer hunters on the East Coast of the U.S.

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Bovis poses a minimal risk to people, but can easily infect domestic cattle herds. For this reason, there are federal and state eradication programs. When field dressing an elk or deer, hunters should look for tan or yellow pea-sized lumps in the wall of the rib cage or in the lungs. If these lumps are present, the hunter should immediately stop handling the carcass, attach a game tag, and contact the local fish and wildlife agency.

There was one suspected, but not confirmed, human case of brucellosis linked to the use of deer and elk urine as a scenting agent during hunting in 1996. Many of these wildlife lures consist of urine, ground-up scent glands, and various other ingredients that may be contaminated by bacteria. There is a possibility that disease organisms could be transmitted from infected animals to humans, so it is recommended to follow basic sanitary measures when handling these lures, including avoiding ingestion, inhalation or direct skin contact. A 2006 report of 39 bird hunters and 68 wildlife professionals in Iowa found antibodies to a strain of avian influenza virus in the blood of one of the hunters and two of the wildlife professionals, indicating past exposure to a less common type of avian flu. Although it involved a small number of test subjects, this study suggests that human exposure to avian influenza virus when handling wild waterfowl may occur more commonly than expected, and these fowl are capable of transmitting the disease to humans. The investigators did not determine if any of the people had become ill as a result of the virus.

Keep coops and enclosures clean to prevent the build-up of animal droppings. These droppings could attract insects, rodents, and wildlife that carry disease. Provide your backyard poultry with a safe, sturdy environment outdoors, with housing areas and feeders/waterers that can be easily cleaned and disinfected. Poultry can be kept warm outdoors in the winter in a draft-free shelter or by using a safe heating source. My sister-in-law suspects that her dog may be suffering from Lyme disease as it is exhibiting all the common symptoms. I am in complete agreement that once our dog is properly diagnosed, it is in its best interest to ensure we adhere to the proper treatment and care.

Dilute the disinfectant properly according to label directions before applying it. Most disinfectants only work on clean surfaces and don’t work if they are applied directly to a dirty surface. Use a diluted bleach solution or another disinfectant to clean and disinfect surfaces that have come in contact with poultry. Always take care of your existing flock before caring for your new poultry. The wound or site of injury becomes red, painful, warm, or swollen.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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