Veterinarian Checklist for Stray Cats

Always approach stray animals slowly and cautiously while speaking in a calm, gentle voice. You can also use food to coax a frightened animal into approaching you. Try not the scare or chase the animal when around traffic as this will sometimes result in the animal running into traffic and becoming injured.

Cat hiding outside, close to home

Veterinarians should use appropriate personal protective equipment before beginning a necropsy on a plague-suspect animal. PPE should include gloves, an N95 respirator or the equivalent, and protective eye equipment. Masks and gloves should be worn when examining and treating cats suspected of having plague.

Stray Haven

Once your cat becomes 15 years of age and older, they are considered geriatric and should visit a vet every 3 months. The difficulty of helping feral cats is that they tend to multiply very quickly. Post the missing pet online or in local papers.Whether you hold the lost animal yourself or place it in the custody of your local shelter, there are several ways you can help find the owner.

Rabies virus can be excreted in the saliva of infected dogs, cats, and ferrets during illness and/or for a few days before illness or death. A healthy dog, cat, or ferret that bites a person should be confined and observed daily for 10 days. Confinement should be performed in coordination with public health authorities. To avoid mistaking the signs of rabies for possible side effects of vaccination, administration of rabies vaccine to the animal is not recommended during the observation period. If you already have pet cats, you should be aware that by bringing in stray cats or even just handling them, you can put them at risk of contracting an infectious disease. Strict quarantine measures need to be taken and it might be wiser to refer the stray to a shelter where they have the space, resources, and equipment to do a proper quarantine.

They were found an average distance of 300 meters – or three football fields – away.

If the animal develops signs suggestive of rabies, it should be euthanized by an animal health professional and the head submitted to a diagnostic laboratory for testing. We have tips for safely trapping sick or injured kitties below. One of the best methods is using a Drop Trap, which gives you more control over when the trap is sprung, so you can safely enclose the sick or injured cat inside.

Why Do I Need to Take My Indoor Cat to the Vet?

If the cat is wearing a collar with ID, it’s very likely that they are lost. In this case, simply call the number listed on theID to let her owner know their cat has been found safe and sound. You can also call the veterinarian listed on the vaccination tag, who should be able to put you in contact with the cat’s guardian. Finding a lost cat on your doorstep can be a jarring experience. You no doubt want to help, but it’s not always clear what kind of help a strange cat needs.

Belvedere cat partially blind with pellet lodged in skull after air rifle shooting – This is Local London

Belvedere cat partially blind with pellet lodged in skull after air rifle shooting.

Most cats do not like to be held for any length of time, so stray kitties are best confined inside a cat carrier, secure box , small room of your house or temporarily in your car . Update often on social media, or change your posters to a different color to gain more attention. Let people know you are still looking for your cat and aren’t giving up. Many cats are food motivated and may come running when they hear the treat bag shaking!

Wildlife removal services may also be able to help, even with a cat that is trapped. With a trapped yet reachable pet, you may try to use Vaseline or similar lubricant to help work them out of their stuck predicament. When all else fails, consider hiring a pet detective—it’s not just for the movies! They may even use a search and rescue dog to help track the scent. As part of an emergency plan, it is important to know the steps to take to find your lost pet—time is crucial when it comes to your chances of finding your cat after they go missing. If you do take a cat to a vet, the veterinarian can find out if the cat has a microchip.

While a microchip is a security must-have, it does not actively help you search for a lost cat or guarantee that they will be returned to you. If your contact details on the microchip ID are up to date, and if you’re lucky enough to get a call about your missing cat, you’ll be reunited. Plus, see how to better understand lost cat behavior, and how to prevent a cat from running away in the first place. 1st Pet Veterinary Centers is the one to call, 24/7, for all of your pet healthcare needs. However, usually the treatment involves a round of oral medications.

Where Can I Take A Cat I Found?

Unfortunately, some veterinarians who haven’t been trained to work with community cats believe in “euthanizing” (i.e. killing) community cats rather than treating them. You may be able to find veterinarians in your area who are community cat friendly or even low cost. Or, you can find a local TNR advocate or group and ask if they have a veterinarian they can recommend.

Once you are sure that you’ve followed the proper procedure in your area for dealing with a stray cat, you can choose to adopt him or rehome him. Strays are primarily active during the daytime, while feral cats, though occasionally visible during the day, are more active at night. Stray cats are likely to look at you and make eye contact, whereas feral cats tend to avoid eye contact. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. Blanket your area with posters—bright, neon-colored signs with black, bold, easy-to-read fonts and a clear photo of your cat.

With no easy way of identifying to whom the cat belongs, the next step is to check lost and found ads. It’s also a good idea to ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone is missing a cat, or if anyone has seen “lost cat” posters that describe the cat in question. Be sure to also check the lost and found on websites such as Craigslist, Facebook lost pet groups, lost pet databases such as and call your local animal shelters. People will often call their local shelters when a pet is lost, so there is a chance that the shelter will be able to help you reunite the cat with the owner. Symptoms of feline leukemia can take months or even years to manifest, which is why a veterinarian check is so important before introducing a stray cat into a multi-pet household. Unfortunately, some of the time infected cats don’t enjoy long lives.

Any material used in examination of plague-suspect cats should be disinfected, autoclaved, or incinerated. Most cases of plague in cats present with a sub-mandibular lymphadenitis. Abscessed lymph nodes may be clinically indistinguishable from abscesses due to other causes, like bite wounds. While one of you can take the cat to the veterinarian immediately, the other can continue the trapping effort. Transfer the cat to a humane trap, with comfort padding if needed. If you haven’t already, review our general information on TNR at and our information for hard-to-trap cats at


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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