TNR And Feral Cats

I worry about the animals that live in the homeless camps or in bad neighborhoods where they\’re even less likely to get help, or worse, be abused. In a large study of 72,970 TNR cats across six cities , researchers measured feline intake to municipal shelters over a three-year period. They found a median reduction of 32% in feline intake and a median decline of 83% in shelter euthanasia.

On moving and relocating outdoor and feral cats: A quick and dirty how-to guide

But if you are willing to take in a feral cat, willing to give her the love and care she needs, you already know all this. The good news is that this cat will show you a loyalty like none you have ever known before. You will develop a bond that is nothing short of amazing, but this bond will only happen over time, coupled with patience, a whole lot of work, and love.

Administer anesthetics via intramuscular (IM) injection while the cat is in the trap.

You can usually treat these successfully at the time of surgical sterilization. Instead, feral cat policies should reflect the science and the factsferal cats are healthy animals. From a public health standpoint as well as a humane one, the best approach for feral cats is Trap-Neuter-Return because it benefits the cats and the community. The health risks that catch and kill advocates most often blame on cats are intestinal parasites, rabies, flea-borne typhus, and toxoplasmosis.

I am feeding one now that I would eventually like to catch but he seems leery of people. Keep in mind that earning a stray cat’s trust can be a difficult process and a cat may not sleep inside a shelter at first. Usually, food is the most effective way to win the animal and eventually start interacting with it.

Little did I know that I would discover the issue with Feral Cats! I TNR so many litters from momma kitty through the help of Feral Cat Coalition of San Diego. This is a big issue, and I financially support this annually. In the infographic below, we have visualized the most important things you should consider when choosing a cat shelter. Place the shelter in a more quiet and private area, such as near shrubbery and away from traffic. However, plastic shelters don’t last as long; they can fade in the sun and crack in harsh weather.

It currently lives in the roadside rain swale that are like a buried tunnel. I live in Florida where we get lots of rain and of course the hot sun. All the shelters I have found have insulation for winter which I do not need. Since we do get a lot of rain it would have to be very waterproof. I work with a Chicago cat rescue and am currently fostering two cats that were being used by panhandlers downtown to solicit money, they are so sweet and I am happy everyday they have a warm and cozy home.

Over time, the number of feral cats in an area will decrease, and eventually they will disappear. The first study we reviewed was published in the Natural Areas Journal . Here, researchers tracked two TNR colonies in two public parks in Miami-Dade County, Florida. (The original populations were 25 cats at one park and 56 cats at another.) Cats were monitored from 1999 to 2001 using a photographic capture/recapture technique. Here, they applied a population growth model and found that in order for a TNR colony to decline over time, 71% to 94% of the cats needed to be neutered. These percentages of neutering were higher than what occurred in the field, and thus the models indicated that populations would increase.

LCAS offers free use of live traps (they require a $50 cash refundable deposit) and will spay and neuter these cats for you at an affordable price. A notch is taken out of one ear tip while they are being spayed or neutered. It doesn’t harm the cat and is much safer for the cat than being handled a second or third time to see if it is “fixed”. An ear tip is a universal symbol and it lets a veterinarian or shelter know that there is no reason to handle the cat as it can’t reproduce. I ensure all of the animals are placed back into a situation where they will have adequate food, water and shelter.

Whereas TNR programs would cost approximately $9 billion to support and run these programs by rescue organizations and volunteers. At the University of Texas A&M, a TNR program was set into effect and neutered 123 cats in one year and discovered no new kittens in the next year. Euthanasia rates have also decreased 29% in Indianapolis when IndyFeral was started in 2002. Indianapolis Animal Care & Control also reported a 37% decrease in feral cat intake since the program was formed.

If kitty has been inside your home, you also will need to rid your home of the fleas. The soap and water should kill the fleas but, just to be sure, dry them on high heat. Flea collars are useless on cats, but they are helpful in your cleaning. Take a new flea collar, cut it into pieces and put it in your vacuum cleaner bag. The flea collar will kill the fleas once they are vacuumed up but, again just to be sure, take out the vacuum bag to the trash immediately. If none of your searching turns up an owner, the final step is to place your own “found cat” ads.

But if we can’t bring our cats inside, we’ve got to make he most of what we CAN do for them, despite our ambulatory modern lives. Catch and kill programs offer no such benefits, because cats are simply removed without regard to their health. Nicknamed the “gentle giant” of the cat world, the Maine Coon cat is big in personality and size.

When cats are brought into shelters or vets through the TNR program they are given a full examination and then they are vaccinated for rabies and other diseases and given flea and parasite treatment. Any wounds that the cat may have are also repaired and treated. TNR programs will not release a cat that is too unhealthy, or that is unfit to survive in the wild. In actuality, by participating in the TNR program, cats are likely to be healthier than if left to their own devices. One option to help control the feral cat population in your neighborhood, reduce the risk of infectious diseases to your own pets, and potentially find homes for adoptable kittens is trap-neuter-return .

These cats survive on their own, outdoors, and the adults are unlikely to be able to be socialized to human contact and are generally not adoptable as pets. Trap-Neuter-Return programs stabilize feral cat populations, and the vaccination component ensures that cats are protected against disease. These programs also allow cat caregivers and public health officials to monitor the health of cats and ensure that they’re immunizedand that “protects the health of cats and humans alike,” says Cash.

Whether or not you find any, lactating queens should be spayed. Try to release a mother cat as soon as it is deemed safe so that she can return to care for her kittens. She will continue to produce milk even though she is spayed; the hormones responsible for milk production will not be affected. Cats who are pregnant or lactating should receive fluid supplementation; administer warmed fluids subcutaneously post-operatively prior to recovery. Are cats that have never had close contact with humans or have had so little, so long ago, that they act like they never did.

In New South Wales, Australia, 79% of feral cats had feline immunodeficiency virus , 64% had gingivitis, 54% had throat conditions, and 23% had cat flu (Wilson et al. 1994). Feral cats have fleas, ticks, and lice and are susceptible to the diseases that these ectoparasites carry (Mohd et al. 2013; Lefkaditis et al. 2015). Gastrointestinal parasites, including roundworms and tapeworms (Waap et al. 2014), are also fairly common in feral and outdoor domestic cats (Chalkowski et al. 2019). 1 There are approximately 146 million cats, and of this 146 million, about half of these cats are feral or stray cats. Getting feral and stray cats spayed or neutered prevents them from reproducing, helping to stop the rising cat overpopulation. This can help the quality of life for feral cats, help reduce the number of cats around your neighborhood, and reduce the spread of disease and the number of cat deaths.

To determine if a cat is feral, stray, or just a visiting cat from the neighborhood, the cat should be monitored for a few days. Use the information above to determine if the animal is feral or stray . If the cat is clean, healthy and friendly, it is likely a neighborhood cat just visiting. You can put a collar on the cat with a note asking the owners to notify you if this is their cat. This way an owned cat doesn’t mistakenly get taken to a shelter.

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With no easy way of identifying to whom the cat belongs, the next step is to check lost and found ads. It’s also a good idea to ask around the neighborhood to see if anyone is missing a cat, or if anyone has seen “lost cat” posters that describe the cat in question. Be sure to also check the lost and found on websites such as Craigslist, Facebook lost pet groups, lost pet databases such as and call your local animal shelters. People will often call their local shelters when a pet is lost, so there is a chance that the shelter will be able to help you reunite the cat with the owner. When considering products, selection should be limited to injectable and topical products to ensure safe and reliable administration.

If they were not in good condition when trapped, I work with a local rescue that helps place barn cats. All of my feral kitties, if they stick around, are immunized annually and go to the vet if wounded or sick. It seems to me the most humane way I can have a positive impact on the problem. If you are thinking about attempting TNR, it is important to be educated on how it works and what happens when the cat is taken to the vet. Perhaps attend a training workshop, or watch the Humane Society’s training video.

Keeping cats indoors and sterilizing them is not cruel and will help to keep these cats safe from disease or injury, allowing them to live longer . People should not feed outdoor cats but should rather help them to be adopted. People who care about the welfare of cats can support funding for local animal shelters and can increase public education for the adoption of cats.

Some areas of the U.S. have enforced feeding bans so that residents living in that area are legally deterred from not putting out food for feral cats. Just because a food source is taken away and not readily available does not mean the cats will go away and find food elsewhere. When food sources are scarce, feral cats tend to move closer to human habitations, as they grow hungrier in hopes of finding scraps of food.

Then, make sure to find a feral-friendly vet to perform the procedure. In the best of feral clinics, once the cat is trapped and turned into the vet to get spayed or neutered, the vet will do a full examination to check for illnesses, wounds, etc. While the cat is under for surgery, the vet will give the feral cat a vaccination for rabies and, ideally, a flea treatment and a treatment for internal parasites. A great vet will also clean the cat, and treat any wounds that the feral cat may have.

There may be volunteering opportunities in your community to help with these efforts. TNR involves trapping feral cats and kittens, having them spayed or neutered and vaccinated, and either returning adult cats to their environment or finding homes or shelters to take in kittens. Trap-Neuter-Return saves feral cats’ lives, and benefits all community cats, regardless of their level of socialization.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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