The Secret to Catching a Skittish Cat

If your cat is not familiar with the outdoors, all of the new stimulants can make her confused or nervous. In other cases, there could be a stray or feral cat in the area that requires medical attention, such as spaying or neutering before she’s released back into the community. But because you need to be cautious with any unknown felines that could have contagious diseases, this method won’t require you to pick up or handle the cat in any way. If you believe the stray kitty is pregnant, you can take her to the vet for an exam to be certain. Depending on how far along in her pregnancy she is, you may have the option of ending the pregnancy (a spay/abort procedure). If this is not an option, you will need to provide a safe, warm place for her to have her kittens.

Remember, cats don’t have shoulder blades like we do – if they can get their heads in it, they can get the rest of their bodies in it, too. Instead, you can do harm to cats’ health and wellbeing. Clear the space of any possible hiding places, then lean a single large board against a wall. When the cat is locked into the smaller space, she’ll immediately try to find the nearest hiding spot. Since you only left her one option, she’ll dart behind the board and possibly right into the trap.

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A dog fence is an important detail to consider when adopting a pet for the first time or moving your dog to a new home. They may not be ready to beat you in a game of chess, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and generally eager to please you. Allow him to wear the harness for a bit, under supervision, with no leash.

Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. With up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

So, you might pay for vet services at first, but if you sign up for insurance right away, you could get financial help within just a couple of weeks. Stray cats don’t know where their next meal will come from. They don’t have a dedicated safe place to sleep where they will be protected from the outdoor elements and possible predators. They tend to get into fights with other cats that might be infected with a contagious disease. If nothing else, your kitty may be disoriented enough to make it easier to capture and confine her. Others felines may be chilled out by a little catnip in the carrier.

* Socializing a Feral Cat

In essence, socializing a feral cat is no more than building back up a trust that has been lost or never known. The first step of proving that you are a reliable source of food has been taken–and noted–in the cat’s mind. That’s not enough to really get through to this cat that you are worthy of her trust.

If she is truly feral, don’t be surprised if she hunkers down in the litterbox for a while. She will figure out what it is really used for eventually. Prop the box trap door open with a stick or a full water bottle with string tied around it. Use enough string so you can hide a few feet away and hold the end of it. When the tricky kitty walks into the trap, pull the string to manually shut the door. Just like you have paths you walk every day, so do community cats!

In these cases, it seems as if stray cats decide to “adopt” an unsuspecting person as their new caretaker. Basically, these fuzzy interlopers can show up on your doorstep asking for cat food, shelter and attention. Provide the kitty with a comfortable bed, food and water, and a toy or two to play with. Try to interact with the cat once or twice a day to get them used to human companionship. Hopefully, the cat will trust you by the time that you need to go to the vet.

If that’s how you plan to keep your cat secure at the vet’s office, you might want to take a cab or ask a friend for a ride. Even the most calm cats can cause problems in the car if frightened. Alternatives to carriers, like bags or baskets, can be used to secure a cat so he does not cause problems for you driving. You can also have a harness or strap to safely secure him to the seat. You do not want your cat to crawl under your feet or the break/gas pedal while you’re driving as this could easily cause an accident. You need to make sure your cat is not disruptive in the vet’s office.

Place a dark sheet or towel over everything but the entrance of mom’s trap. Mom will think she’s seeing her kittens through a dark tunnel and will enter her trap to get to them. If it’s chilly out, keep the kittens warm by lining their carrier or trap floor with a towel and placing a couple of hot water bottles beneath it. Bait the trap with plenty of food just in case cats you don’t want to trap wander in before your target. Don’t spring the trap until your target cat is inside; if she sees other cats being trapped, she’ll stay away! Once you’ve sprung the trap and caught the cat you want, immediately place a sheet over it and get a box trap ready.

Since you seem to be the gatekeeper to her confinement that means defeating you. Even kittens will put up a fierce fight if they feel threatened. You need to come prepared for her if she decides to launch an attack at your face, and some really do this. Cat scratches and bites are serious business and can land you in the hospital. “Cat Scratch Fever” isn’t just a song by Ted Nugent, it is a serious medical condition. Wear long sleeves, extra layers of clothing, long pants, shoes, heavy leather gloves , and bring a flat piece of cardboard to use as a shield.

What to Do for Stray Cats Before a Veterinarian Visit

Be sure to have her checked for FeLV , FIV and FIP . Also have the vet run stool cultures, rule out ringworm, and look for lice. Be sure to check for worms, fleas, ticks and other parasites. Consider putting out a bowl of commercial wet food or cooked chicken or beef for the cat to enjoy while you hang out near them.

Texas A&M Veterinarians Save Kitten’s Life With Rare Procedure – Texas A&M University Today

Texas A&M Veterinarians Save Kitten’s Life With Rare Procedure.

A recent veterinary industry megastudy concluded that while cats significantly outnumber dogs in the United States, cats are much less likely to see their veterinarians on a regular basis. In fact, plenty of cats never see a vet unless they’re on death’s doorstep. Once the cat is inside, tilt the box so that its opening hole faces upwards and cover the hole with a book or something larger than the hole so he doesn’t escape.

Checking if the site connection is secure

Try to see things from a scared kitty’s perspective, and then adjust yourself so you aren’t so scary. The most important thing is just to be there with her. Reading out loud is one of the best things you can do, because she will get used to you and your voice.

No matter how many times you have done this, it is always a learning experience for both the cat and the person. The litterboxes are another issue where it pays to think ahead. At first, use straight organic potting soil with no litter.

If she launches at you, raise the cardboard so she bounces off something fairly soft instead of your arm or face, possibly inflicting injuries onto both of you. Mind you, most of the time ferals won’t react this way but you don’t know her history. If she’s been through abuse and feels she is trapped in a fight-or-die situation, she will fight.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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