Taming a Feral Cat

The vet can test for communicable diseases such as FLVS and FIV. The cat also needs to get vaccinations such as rabies and distemper. We helped rescue 275 dogs from a suspected dogfighting operation in South Carolina.

Once your stray is interested in coming indoors , Delgado suggests bringing as much of the outside into your home as possible. That includes providing enrichment activities like cat puzzle toysand areas where they can climb and play. According to Delgado, if your new feline friend was previously a house cat, the transition indoors should be relatively easy. PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice.

While the next step may seem like you can finally open your door to your new feline friend, you’ll want to avoid bringing it inside, particularly if you have other pets . Instead, take the cat to the veterinarian to have a full checkup, vaccinations, as well as to be spayed or neutered . This step may take several attempts, but it’s absolutely essential for your health and safety, as well as for your new cat’s.

Place the bowl of food inside the front door and ensure that nobody is around to scare the cat. If you have any other pets in the house, lock them in a separate room for minute while the cat eats. A recent veterinary industry megastudy concluded that while cats significantly outnumber dogs in the United States, cats are much less likely to see their veterinarians on a regular basis. In fact, plenty of cats never see a vet unless they’re on death’s doorstep. Now there’s a cat in our garage that is staying all day long. She’s not apprehensive whenever we go out of the house, she’s always meowing.

How can I get neighborhood cats to leave my property?

If you find a cat who is injured and you cannot afford to pay for their care, you can take the cat toDoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospitaland relinquish the cat as a stray. They will stabilize the cat and transfer him to the Shelter from the county where he was found. This is why having a partner with you to trap is so important! While one of you can take the cat to the veterinarian immediately, the other can continue the trapping effort.

Leave your phone number with the dispatcher, and try to get an estimate of how long it may take someone to respond. If possible, stay on the scene to keep an eye on the dog or cat until help arrives. Make sure you report to authorities precisely where the animal is by using road names, mile markers or landmarks. A veterinary professional can help evaluate whether a cat needs to be brought to the clinic right away for an illness or injury.

We have tips for safely trapping sick or injured kitties below. One of the best methods is using a Drop Trap, which gives you more control over when the trap is sprung, so you can safely enclose the sick or injured cat inside. You can use a cat bowl like the Neater Feeder polar pet bowl to help keep a fresh source of cold water available for you cat throughout the day.

When you find a friendly “stray” adult cat, the odds for this cat getting reunited with its family are more than 10 times better if the cat stays in its home neighborhood than if it comes to a shelter. If you find a cat that seems stray, you may first want to watch and wait to see if it goes home on its own – it might be a community cat that cruises around several homes for food and friendship. If not, the best thing to do is take a photo and post it on your local neighborhood network site, local lost and found facebook group, lost and found page for your local shelter, and post signs around the neighborhood. You can also take the cat to a vet or your local shelter to be scanned for a microchip.

Post a picture of the cat around your neighborhood to find its owner. Take a photo of the cat and place it on a local community notice board and on social media. Write a detailed description of where you found the cat and note any distinguishing features or markings. Close all the windows and doors in the house to stop the cat from escaping. It is likely that the cat will hide for a little while once it realises that the front door is closed. This is normal behaviour for a stray cat and overtime, it will slowly become more confident.If the cat makes loud noises, starts clawing at furniture, or is terrified of people, this may indicate that it is feral.

Cats and dogs don’t interbreed, but other species do [Ask the Vet] – Reading Eagle

Cats and dogs don’t interbreed, but other species do [Ask the Vet].

However, try not to make eye contact when you spot the cat . Instead, remain still and quiet and either sit or stand quietly in the general vicinity while the kitty eats. After a few days, you can build up to speaking to your cat in a calm and reassuring voice. Jennifer Lesser is a pet health and wellness expert and writer with over a decade of experience covering pet behavior, health, and news. Her work can also be found in Whole Dog Journal, Health, Dogster, Catster, and Animal Sheltering.

So maintaining a healthy feral cat community can actually be better for the environment and the cats. If outside is the only option, there are established feral cat colonies where spayed or neutered cats live and volunteers feed and take care of them. Although the situation is not always ideal and can be controversial, there are valid reasons for these colonies. Well-maintained colonies pose very few problems for the area. You can place the cat in a secluded room and give it several weeks or months to get used to being indoors. Whether the cat is going to live indoors or out, it needs to be spayed or neutered.

If the cat backs away from your touch, give it a few days before trying again. Also, try letting the cat sniff your finger or the back of your cupped palm beforehand. Eventually, you can gradually progress to petting the cat and even gently picking it up. However, remember to always wash your hands and arms thoroughly after handling any feral animals. If you’re not able to safely restrain the animal, call the local animal control agency . Do so whether or not the animal is injured, and whether or not they are wearing an identification tag.


But there is one thing we humans have in our arsenal that will greatly increase your chances at training a feral cat—and that’s food. For example, be sure to offer some cat food to the cat at the same time and in the same place every day, perhaps in a certain area on your porch or patio. The good news is that, yes, feral cats can become your new live-in feline friend. But there are several very important steps that must be taken first, as domesticating a feral cat is certainly not a task for the faint of heart and will require an enormous amount of time and patience. If you decide to try to find the owner yourself, be sure to contact your local animal shelter or animal control office first.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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