So You Found a Cat

Once you are sure that you’ve followed the proper procedure in your area for dealing with a stray cat, you can choose to adopt him or rehome him. So many folks don’t know how to look for flea “dirt,” find tiny ticks, or check out a stray cat’s skin and coat. Again, get this checked out so you don’t bring an unknown flea problem into your home or expose your other pets to pests. Whatever whets your new cat’s appetite should be your go-to. You can also bring her to your vet or a shelter to scan for a microchip. It’s the fastest way to identify her owner and help her get back home.

Clearly not feral, Mr. No Home probably had a home at one point, by the looks of it. But while we were trying to find his family, it became obvious that he could be nicknamed Mr. No Veterinary Care because of the many problems we found while treating this poor cat. During the spring and summer months, you will also want to make sure that you provide your cat with plenty of shaded, cool areas to hang out as well as access to cold, fresh water. Learn about ways we provide Compassionate Access to Resources, Education and Services. As soon as a cat is trapped, quietly approach the cage, place a covering over the occupied trap and remove it from the area.

You may think that this happens only with cats who live outdoors or whose feral origins don’t lend to easy capture, but you’d be wrong. Plenty of otherwise mild-mannered housecats will pull out all the stops to stay out of the dreaded box. If your other pets don’t normally respond well to new animals, place them in their carry bag for 15 minutes in the stray cat’s room. Post a picture of the cat around your neighborhood to find its owner. Take a photo of the cat and place it on a local community notice board and on social media. Write a detailed description of where you found the cat and note any distinguishing features or markings.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Stray Cat Veterinarian Care?

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that whether you notice obvious wounds or illnesses or not, any stray cat you see probably needs veterinary care. Without it, a stray cat that is hurt or ill may not last long on the streets. If you’ve heard those stories about “barn cats” who never had any veterinary care and just lived out their lives “on the farm,” don’t believe it.

As a community cat advocate, it’s always wise to plan ahead for how you’ll pay for veterinary bills, including any beyond the usual spay and neuter, vaccination, and eartip. Use our tips on developing resources for cat care to help create an emergency medical fund, or for ideas on how to negotiate a payment plan with your veterinarian. Currently, there is no law in Massachusetts stating that cats must be kept indoors , and feral and free-roaming cats do not necessarily fall under the jurisdiction of municipal animal control. If you are concerned about a cat or the implications of its presence and have contacted your local animal control agency without resolution, consider contacting a local trap-neuter-return non-profit organization in your area. In the Boston metro area, these include the Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society and Charles River Alleycats . Risks to outdoor cats include traffic, predation from larger animals, and altercations with other cats and wildlife which can cause serious injury, disease, or parasitic infection.

Can You Take a Stray Cat to the Vet for Free in 2022?

You will frighten the cat and risk being bitten or scratched, and it is safer for the cat and veterinary staff if the cat is in a trap. Try feeding your cat inside the carrier, which is an especially good trick for those who need to feed their cats separately for weight control. You should also line it with newspaper to soak up urine, and always keep a clean towel inside.

Cats captured in nets need to be transferred to a humane trap immediately, without exception. This is also a time to consider the condition of the cat and if she will need padding in her trap to be more comfortable. For example, a cat with an injury may experience discomfort or soil a vehicle or the ground without a towel or blanket covering the bottom of the trap. His ear mites, fleas and intestinal parasites are being treated.

And, of course, don’t forget the basics like a cat food and water bowl and a litter box. Fortunately, even cats who have spent their entire lives outdoors can generally grasp the concept pretty quickly. If you do not already have a trusted community cat-friendly veterinarian or clinic, we have some advice on finding the right veterinary professional for your needs.

This will help the cat to feel safe and calm in its new environment. Be sure the best decisions will be made for cats by asking questions and being aware of your veterinarian’s community cat policies. Once they get used to coming near you to eat, they may be willing to come to you for a pet and eventually into the carrier for transport to a veterinarian. Unless it is a life-and-death emergency, you will have to keep the cat safe and comfortable until you can get an appointment with a veterinarian.

Prepare an area to hold the cats after trapping such as a garage, bathroom or other protected area with controlled temperature. Pets in Stitches strongly recommends caretakers call prior to trapping to verify Pets In Stitches will be performing surgery on the caretaker’s anticipated trapping day. Our goal is to educate the public about the companion animal overpopulation issue and help to provide solutions to end the killing of adoptable animals.

You never know when you’re going to find a person that just connects and will make a great forever owner,” he says. There are organizations that can help you make sure the kitty either finds a good home or—in the case of feral cats—receives proper medical care. “Your local TNR program can help safely trap a cat, get him medical care and then release him back into the wild. There are so many cat lovers out there who are willing and able to help in cases like this,” says Phillips.

If nothing else, you can provide useful health and personality information to interested adopters if you can’t keep the cat yourself. If you cannot get a stray cat to come to you and get into a carrier for transport to a veterinarian, you can take steps to create trust before trying again to get them to go with you for medical care. Consider putting out a bowl of commercial wet food or cooked chicken or beef for the cat to enjoy while you hang out near them. However, you should not expect a veterinarian to provide you with a bunch of free services as a thank you.

Never chase a stray cat or try to corner or “capture” one, as this can cause unnecessary stress that can lead to even more health problems or even death. Stray cats tend to be a source of disagreement among human community members. While some people despise them and do all that they can to keep them away, others feel sorry for them and want to know how they can help them. If you’re wondering whether you can take a stray cat to the vet for free, you’re obviously someone who wants to help, and you deserve to be commended for your efforts.

“There’s actually a litter meant to help transition cats from outdoor to indoor living—it’s called Touch of Outdoors [Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Touch of Outdoors cat litter],” she says. Once your stray is interested in coming indoors , Delgado suggests bringing as much of the outside into your home as possible.

We can send both to your email address and you’ll get ideas for helping cats, learn about FCCO events, be notified of spay/neuter specials, and see lots of cute cats and read their stories! If the cat has an abscess it will often open on it’s own and will heal without treatment. If the abscess has opened and the wound is not showing improvement over the next few days he should be trapped and taken to a veterinarian for treatment and FIV testing, or relinquished to DoveLewis. If nothing else, your kitty may be disoriented enough to make it easier to capture and confine her.

The only way to know what costs will come into play is to have the cat checked out by the veterinarian. They will determine what kinds of tests are necessary and eventually, what kinds of treatments, if any, will be needed. The veterinarian may accept a payment plan, so you won’t have to come up with the cost of all needed vet services up front. To get the new cat the best care and to protect your other animals at home, get Mr. No-Home some veterinary care as soon as possible. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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