Pros, Cons and Facts about Raising Turkeys

First, it’s critical that you can recognize your bird’s “go potty” cues. Once you know how your bird behaves just before it eliminates, place the wastepaper beneath it, and as it eliminates you say a cue, like, “Go potty” or “Bombs away! ” When the waste hits the wastepaper, make a big deal about how happy you are about it and tell your bird how great and smart it is. Once your bird starts to understand that the cue is connected to the action , place the wastepaper beneath it and say the cue. If you have done this enough times, have had a lot of patience with the training, and have praised enough, your bird should potty on cue. Use this cue just before playtime so that you won’t get pooped on.

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As with West Nile Virus , the reservoir hosts for the encephalitis viruses are primarily wild birds. Symptoms usually occur within 1 to 3 weeks after exposure and can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include fever, muscle pain, headache and chills. Occasionally, symptoms may include nausea/vomiting, a sharp drop in weight, mental confusion, cough and skin rash. Consult your veterinarian about proper preventive treatments for your hunting dogs, such as heartworm prevention, and use the products as recommended. Unexpected seizures and sudden death are both symptoms of rabies in dogs, humans, and other animals.

The rabies virus is contracted via saliva, so the transmission would actually require a bite or saliva from an infected animal getting in a wound. Learn the signs of illness in a bird, which can include appearing sluggish or depressed, having ruffled feathers or areas of feather loss, abnormal breathing, and fluid running from its eyes or nose. Monitor your child and call your child’s healthcare provider if they have symptoms of serious Salmonella illness. If your child is under 5 years old, it’s best to not let them handle or touch chicks, ducklings, and other poultry. Young children are more likely to get sick from germs as their immune systems are still developing and they are more likely to put unwashed hands into their mouth.

Find information about wild birds on the wildlife page. The sworn statement shall be delivered to an animal control officer who shall complete a dangerous dog investigation. When the sworn statement claims that a dog has caused serious physical injury or death to a person, the duties of the animal control officer, including, but not limited to, the dangerous dog investigation, shall be carried out by a law enforcement officer.

Any expenses incurred in the quarantine of the offending animal under this section and Section 3-7A-8 shall be borne by the owner. Destruction of impounded dogs and cats; when authorized; redemption by owner; sale of impounded animals. Each county in the state shall provide a suitable county pound and impounding officer for the impoundment of dogs, cats, and ferrets found running at large in violation of the provisions of this chapter. Every municipality with a population over 5,000 in which the county pound is not located shall maintain a suitable pound or contribute their pro rata share to the staffing and upkeep of the county pound. If the owner of an impounded animal is known, the owner shall be given direct notice of the impoundment. The animal control officer shall file a summons for the owner of the dog, if known, with the municipal court or district court.

In this guide, we’ll talk about what signs of illness in dogs to look for, symptoms and potential causes, and what to do to prevent and treat illness. Potty training a bird is a lot like potty training a dog — it’s a matter of creating a habit. However, some people believe that potty training a bird too rigorously can be detrimental to the bird’s health. Birds are so smart and trainable that some may actually “hold it” and make themselves ill if they are removed from their designated potty area, for example, during boarding or a move. Instead of training your bird to potty in a certain place, the way you might train a cat to use the litter box, train the bird to potty onto a specific type of wastepaper or bird litter.

Staying healthy around pet birds

I find very little information on this specific topic. Years ago I raised commercial broad-breasted poults quite successfully, 15 or 8 at a time. What little information I have found is contradictory. There’s tons of information about raising poults from a hatchery… But almost nothing on raising your own poults from heritage breeds.

We have Turkey Vultures and have seen them carry off a rat and they have carried off 3 out of 6 baby ducklings. I saw one being carried off while it was letting out this horrible sound, I will never forget it. FL.. So I am sitting in my yard yesterday when out of the blue this turkey vulture comes over my yard and next thing you know there are 2 then a 3rd. I have Chihuahuas and they swooped down over us and I went into a panic and ran them into the house. They were so close I even saw their heads, so I looked up the pics.

Any person who hunts, pursues, captures or kills a wild turkey in this state with the aid of a dog at any time shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $50.00 for each offense. The committee shall consider all cost factors in administering the vaccine as the economy dictates, including but not limited to the current prices of vaccines. Any person having a right of property in a dog, cat, ferret, or other animal, or who keeps or harbors the animal, or who has it in his or her care, or acts as its custodian, or who permits the animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. An agent of a county or municipality vested with impounding authority for animals covered under this chapter. Any judicial determination in municipal court or district court that a dog is dangerous may be appealed to the circuit court pursuant to the requirements of the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure and the order of the circuit court shall be final.

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Lyme disease is an illness caused by a bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is a “spirochete” (a bacterium that has a worm-like, spiral-shaped form). Deer ticks are the primary carriers of the bacteria. If your deer has been chosen to be sampled for CWD, do not eat any meat until test results have been returned. In some states, this may take weeks to months, so if there is any concern, dispose of the carcass. Remove bones from the animal by separating them at joints instead of sawing through the bones and avoid cutting through the brain or spinal cord except to remove the head. Use a knife specifically kept for this purpose to minimize the risk of contaminating meat.

At the hearing, the county attorney, municipal attorney, or municipal prosecutor shall present evidence that the dog is dangerous. To declare the dog dangerous, the court shall find by reasonable satisfaction that the dog bit, attacked, or caused physical injury, serious physical injury, or death to a person without justification. There’s even a risk that people, especially hunters, could be the link between wild birds and domestic birds. Hunters who handle infected ducks, or even just stomp through ponds where these birds have been, can carry the virus back to birds on their property. Healthy dog gums should be bubblegum pink, or a similar color. Get familiar with your dog’s gum color when they’re healthy so you can spot when something’s off.

Links to additional information have been provided where appropriate. Hunters should always consult their physician if they are concerned they have been exposed to a disease or are showing symptoms of illness. If there are any concerns that your hunting dog or any other companion animal may have contracted any of these diseases, please contact your veterinarian. The first measure to take is absolute quarantine as soon as you suspect rabies and have witnessed any symptoms. However, even when you have taken your dog to the vet, treatment is extremely limited. Rabies cannot be cured and for that reason, once your vet is confident the dog is suffering from rabies, they will recommend putting them down.

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Set up an area outdoors to clean and disinfect all equipment used to care for the poultry and clean their enclosure. Do not clean any items indoors, where the germs could contaminate your home. Backyard poultry and waterfowl do not have teeth, but their bills and beaks can still cause a lot of damage if they bite you.

BLACK vultures can kill live calves, NOT turkey vultures. Can you people even get the species correct before you malign them? Hunters should avoid handling dead birds they encounter that have not been shot during the hunt. Follow the state or local health department’s instructions regarding what to do with the dead bird. If instructed to dispose of the bird, hunters should use gloves or protect their hands with a plastic bag to place the bird carcass in a garbage bag and dispose of it in the trash.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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