My Cat Gets Really Aggressive At the Vet Help!

If your cat is still terrified of the carrier after many attempts, try a completely different carrier. Do this several days in a row and work up to driving your cat down the driveway and around the block. Once your cat is happy going in and out of the carrier, begin to condition them to your car, too. Not sure anything but sedation will help kitty at the current vet. I typically don’t like to make suggestions unless I have met the cat or been around the cat however your situation souds so surreal to a cat I rescued many years ago. Experts say there’s something to gain from these attempts at communication.

Predatory Instinct

If they don’t find a suitable partner in the area, an unneutered cat may travel farther from home to do the deed. The first reason why cats run away is their reproductive instinct – which is strong in female cats in heat as well as unneutered male cats. Discover why your cat keeps running away and what you can do about it in this post. Cats also tend to fall asleep after they eat (much like we do!), so offering a small meal right at bedtime might encourage your cat to have dinner and go to bed. And if your cat likes to wake you up for food—especially in the early morning hours—try setting a smart bowl to deliver some food at that time. Just like some people are night owls and others are early birds, most cats can be pretty set in their sleep/wake cycles.

To get a sense of your kitty’s expert hunting skills, toss a few pieces of kibble down the hallway and see how quickly they bound after it. However, sometimes, a cat goes missing and doesn’t return – they run away and disappear forever. Considering this, it’s important to be aware of some other potential reasons why your missing cat may not come back. This way, you will always know where kitty is and can help them immediately, in case you notice that they may be in trouble.

Set up a separate sleeping spaces.

If this is the case, have your cat seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible for an exam and bloodwork to determine if there is an underlying illness. They may show aggression toward newly introduced cats, and occasionally other animals or people, that encroach upon their established domain. In some cases, cats may even attack resident cats that were previously accepted but were away from the home, such as for a hospital stay. This aggression commonly takes the form of swatting, chasing, and attacking the encroaching individual.

Any advice or reassurances, or do we all need to just “be tough” for the greater goal? What do we do when we get her home finally and she hates us (hissing, hiding and swatting…even food strikes have been the norm after a vet visit). A cat acting crazy may run around the house or get a nightly burst of energy, complete with a chorus of meows.

Thoughtful consultation with your veterinarian is recommended if you are considering this procedure for your cat. Declawing should be considered only as an absolute last resort when all other strategies are unsuccessful, and only in cases in which a cat’s scratching would necessitate removal from the home. Many owners complain that their cats scratch furniture and carpets, chew on fabric, or munch on houseplants. These destructive behaviors not only destroy valuable items, but may also harm a cat’s health.

In my experience, this is absolutely a factor –– a big one. At least once a day, our office fields a call from a cat owner who has to cancel at the last minute because kitty isn’t amenable to carrier confinement. To reduce the stress of the car ride, spray your car interior with a couple of squirts of Feliway® 30 minutes to 1 hour before you are leaving. Bring a blanket or large towel with you, and once the carrier is secured in the car, cover it with the towel to reduce visual stimulation.

If necessary, hide all valuable and dangerous chewable objects, leaving out a few non-valuable fabrics for your cat to chew on—so long as he does not swallow too much. Also, try offering your cat alternatives such as cat-safe rubber toys scented with fish oil or even dry cat food. If you choose the latter, make sure that the dry food used is part of your cat’s calculated daily caloric intake (i.e. that this does not result in overfeeding).

Unfortunately, some innate, normal cat behaviors become destructive within the confines of a house. As cat owners, we need to find a balance between protecting our valuables and our cats’ health, while still satisfying our cats’ needs. Scratching posts of all shapes, sizes, and textures are available at most pet stores. A carpet-covered post would be a good choice for cats that scratch carpets.

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Early Best Animated Feature Prospects Include ‘Turning Red’ and ‘Inu-Oh’.

A cat that is being held in your arms and becomes frightened may respond by leaping out of your arms, potentially injuring you in the process, and putting your cat at risk for injury or escape. If your cat is scared of the vet and fights you on getting into the carrier, read these expert tips to make your vet visit go much easier. Many domestic cats spend their days alone indoors while their people are at work.

It is crucial that you never put your hand or any other body part between cats that are fighting, as you can be seriously injured. Using barriers such as baby gates or panels made of cardboard, light wood, or plastic to separate aggressive cats can be very effective. It is very important not to console an aggressive cat, as this may be perceived as approval of aggression. It is also important not to retreat or show fear, as this may reinforce the behavior if your retreat is what the cat wants. Lack of attention is a better way to handle fear aggression. Food treats are excellent positive enforcers of non-aggressive behavior.

Once it’s go time, a quiet drive directly to the vet without stops is ideal. On your appointment day, it would be great if there were no extraneous stops for coffee, picking up kids from school or carpooling. Your pet deserves a designated driver and an upgrade to first class. Most cats in cars feel like those Garfields suctioned-cupped to the windows, a popular car adornment in the 1980s. Then, when you finally arrive at the vet, your cat won’t come out of the box. No matter which carrier you choose, there should be easy access from the top.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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