Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Feisty Claws-Out Cat to the Vet

Oddly enough, frenetic random activity periods are one sign of hyperthyroidism in cats. Some cats punctuate their roomies with growling, yowling or meowing. Cat zoomies often seem to come out of nowhere and disappear after a while. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

I adopted him and little is known about his past but he appears to have been a house cat because of his friendly nature, because of this I do not know is he had previous trauma in a vet. We barely got him microchipped, and that left scars on both the vet and me. Declawing is an elective and highly controversial surgical procedure that is the topic of considerable debate among cat owners and veterinary professionals. Despite its name, declawing is actually an amputation of the bones at the tips of the paws, not a simple removal of the nails.

This nifty trick works great when you need to medicate your cat, too. Plenty of YouTube videos can show you how to burrito a cat with perfect aplomb. After all, waiting until she’s sick enough to resist less violently is not a reasonable option — even though a startlingly large percentage of cat owners resort to this very tactic.

Age-Related Zoomies

If your cat feels threatened in their own territory by another cat, they may not be around that much anymore. Another major reason why your cat is likely to run away from home is the natural and deeply ingrained hunting behavior of cats. As long as you have an unneutered male cat, he will definitely spend more time outdoors, searching for purrfect mating partners. Their very sharp senses will detect potential mating partners in the neighborhood and there is no fence high enough to stand in the way of your feline then.

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Try enticing your cat to bat at a feather wand toy, chase after her favorite jingle ball or pounce on a toy mouse. Some cats get a crazy look in the eye signaling an episode of the zoomies is about to commence. If you have a kitten, train her to use a cat carrier as a haven early on (see handout “Cat Behavior and Training – Crate Training and Travel”). Once you start driving, try to avoid any sudden braking, acceleration, or sharp turns.

Tune the radio to a soothing station and make sure the heater or air conditioner does not blow directly into the carrier. For more information about pheromones, see the handouts “Medications to Reduce the Stress of Veterinary Visits for Cats”, and “Cat Behavior and Training – Crate Training and Travel”. If your cat already has negative associations with the current carrier that you are using, consider purchasing a new carrier that does not resemble the old one. In any of the situations I mentioned above, try to work with your cat at home before any vet visit. A cat-sensitive vet will not place your cat on a scary steel surface. If the vet isn’t so understanding, ask for a soft blanket or towel.

Christine O’Brien is a writer, mom, and long-time cat parent whose two Russian Blues rule the house. Her work also appears in Care.com, What to Expect, and Fit Pregnancy, where she writes about pets, pregnancy, and family life. Find and follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien.

The truth is, cats are fearful of new people and new environments. In a natural setting, cats will hunt and eat 10 or more small meals per day. Be mindful of your cat during stressful changes at home – and give them the extra care they need. Create a catio aka outdoor cat enclosure so your cat can enjoy the outdoors without the risk of getting lost. Cat theft can also happen if someone sees your cat roaming the neighborhood and decides they want to make your furbaby their new pet.

They may also want to claim your neighbor’s yard, or the sunny spot with all those birds down the street. Cats are territorial, therefore they may try to defend their territory against other cats in the area. Aggression that cannot be managed using the techniques outlined in this brochure may require consultation with a veterinary behaviorist. It is important to use the information presented here in close collaboration with your veterinarian.

This process can take weeks to months, depending upon the cats involved. Any objects used to distract a cat from play aggression should be kept at a distance from your hands so that the cat cannot bite or scratch you while venting his aggression on the toy. Once a veterinarian has ruled out medical problems, identifying the type of aggression is key to understanding its cause and to developing a plan to intervene. Separate cats that act aggressively toward each other and reintroduce slowly with positive reinforcement, as described in the Territorial Aggression section. Houseplants can be made less attractive by spraying the leaves with a commercial pet repellent, or spraying water, then sprinkling them with cayenne pepper. The odor of mothballs in the soil may also keep your cat away.

Some veterinary clinics have a separate room for cats or a separate entrance. When you are moving the carrier from the car to the clinic, try not to tip the carrier or bang it against any doorways on your way in. Once you are in the examination room, ask your veterinarian if you can put the cat’s blanket on the examination table. Your veterinarian may suggest taking the lid off the carrier so that your cat does not have to be pulled out of the carrier, or maybe can even stay in it during part of the examination. Put your cat’s favorite treats and toys in the carrier at home well before you visit the vet. A vet who is sensitive to cat behavior will also have treats of different types in the exam room.

Certain cats respond well to relaxing pheromone sprays that you can spritz inside the carrier or diffuse in your home on the big vet visit day. Most stressed-out cats seem to find a dark cubbyhole more comfortable than a wide-open space. You can achieve this by either buying a carrier designed for darkness or cover the box with a towel.

The consequences of aggressive behavior in cats can be significant, ranging from injuries to other cats and people to the surrender of aggressive cats to shelters. A recent study reported that 27 percent of cats relinquished to shelters for behavioral reasons were surrendered for aggression. Given these high stakes, it is important that cat owners understand the cause of their pet’s aggressive behavior in order to develop a plan to successfully intervene. Speaking of cats in heat, if your cat successfully fulfills their mating instinct, you may have a pregnant cat on your hands. Pregnant cats will often seek out a secluded, private and safe location to bring their kittens into the world.

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Cats, on the other hand, are usually known more for their emotional vagueness and standoffish behavior. There is, however, a growing belief that cats are just as expressive as dogs. Another reason for your cat’s crazy behavior could be because some cats are nocturnal and become more active at night. If a cat isn’t getting enough exercise during the day, it may act especially crazy. This wild behavior is sometimes referred to as the “midnight crazies” when it happens at night. Your cat may entertain itself with wild activity or jump on your bed to paw at your feet, elbows, hair, or face to get you to join in the fun.

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It figures this is the typical carrier sold at most discount and big box stores or the kind you can borrow from your neighbor. The floor may not be the best place to leave the carrier. Does your cat often nap in a quiet area away from family antics? Most cats love to crawl in bags, under beds and in boxes.

It may be a comfort-seeking behavior, or it may fulfill a desire to play and investigate. Kittens commonly chew as they explore, and although most outgrow this behavior, some do it for life. It is most commonly seen in Burmese and Siamese cats, which suggests a genetic predisposition comparable to obsessive-compulsive disorders in humans. Cats will sleep all day if allowed, so make time for regular sessions of interactive play early in the evening.

When cats are feeling upset about something going on in their life, they may display behavioral changes, including an increased incidence of the zoomies. Sometimes, strife between one or more cats in a multi-cat household may lead to excessive zoomies. If you’re also noticing your cats having accidents outside the litter box, disharmony in the home may be to blame. A recent veterinary industry megastudy concluded that while cats significantly outnumber dogs in the United States, cats are much less likely to see their veterinarians on a regular basis. In fact, plenty of cats never see a vet unless they’re on death’s doorstep.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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