Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Feisty Claws-Out Cat to the Vet

Stray cats are often not vaccinated, which means that they can pass on diseases to other pets in the house. Keep the stray cat in a comfortable contained space with plenty of food, water, and airflow. Provide the kitty with a comfortable bed, food and water, and a toy or two to play with. Try to interact with the cat once or twice a day to get them used to human companionship. Hopefully, the cat will trust you by the time that you need to go to the vet. You may decide to keep the cat as a pet when all is said and done!

Can I Take A Stray Cat To The Vet?

If you’ve given it a week or two and have had no luck finding an owner, you might want to keep the cat for yourself ! There are articles on how to introduce a new cat to your existing dog or cat here. They also have a plethora of resources you can utilize on their website. Other Facebook pages where you might post the found cat include Saving Animals in Greater St. Louis and Surrounding Areas and Saving St. Louis Pets.


If a stray cat willingly enters your home, check for tags but keep her away from your own pets until you are certain she is healthy. Many cats that live on the streets have mites, mange, fleas, worms and other contagious diseases, and you surely don’t want to expose your own cat to any transmittable conditions. It is not recommended that you attempt to capture the cat yourself, but if it does appear to be visibly ill or distressed, contact your local animal control department. The MSPCA does not currently have the resources to offer a domestic animal emergency ambulance service. However, the MSPCA’s Angell Animal Medical Center does offer 24-hour emergency care for cats, so if the cat is friendly, you would have the option to bring the cat in for a fee.

Cats have 5 major personality types, pet owners believe – New York Post

Cats have 5 major personality types, pet owners believe.

If the cat doesn’t have a home, vaccinate it, treat any injuries or illnesses, and then slowly introduce it to your home. It can take a while for the cat to get used to a new environment, but the process is incredibly rewarding. Just make sure you ask about their policy regarding loaning out equipment. Some shelters require trapped cats to be brought into the facility, where they may be killed rather than helped).When using a net, it’s important to wear protective clothing and thick gloves at all times.

Determine What Kind of Cat It Is

If the cat is feral and puts up a fight, you risk being scratched or bitten. Stray cats may be lost house pets with an owner frantic for their return. FCCO is a spay/neuter clinic for cats and does not offer full-range veterinary services. A recent veterinary industry megastudy concluded that while cats significantly outnumber dogs in the United States, cats are much less likely to see their veterinarians on a regular basis.

Social networking apps like Nextdoor are especially helpful for quickly finding out which neighbors have been adopted, or where the cat actually resides. This can also be helpful in determining whether the cat has been taken to the vet or is on flea and tick medicine. Mikel Delgado, a certified cat behavior consultant and cofounder of Feline Minds, a company that offers cat behavior services in the California Bay Area, recommends turning to social media in these sorts of situations. Help us help cats in our community, and encourage others to do the same.

In fact, the average lifespan of cats permitted to roam freely outside is estimated to be only 2 to 5 years, whereas indoor-only cats can live to be18 years or more. This can cause serious environmental problems, especially if there are endangered species present. Furthermore, any unsterilized cats permitted to roam outdoors will almost certainly produce litters of kittens, contributing to the cat overpopulation problem. If you have the all-clear from your vet and you’re ready to welcome your new kitty home, you’ll want to start with a special quiet, somewhat secluded space that’s set aside just for the cat. Consider furnishing your cat’s new living area with some cat trees and towers and scratching posts, as well as places to hide and sleep.

Part 3 of 3:Taming the Stray Cat

When you’re ready to give it a go, try reaching out to pet the cat without making any sudden movements. If the cat backs away from your touch, give it a few days before trying again. Also, try letting the cat sniff your finger or the back of your cupped palm beforehand. Eventually, you can gradually progress to petting the cat and even gently picking it up.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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