It’s A Dog’s Life Soi Dog is solving the stray dog crisis on Samui in the most compassionate way Welcome to Samui
Most likely, I will spend my remaining years being cared for and kept safe here at the Soi Dog shelter. We can only continue to save vulnerable animals like Weewy with kind people like you by our side. Unfortunately, this suffering is happening every minute out on the streets. And every day, puppies like her arefighting deadly viruses at Soi Dog.
A few days after Gill left hospital, the tsunami struck Thailand, killing her best friend, another Soi Dog volunteer. It was touch and go there for a while, which was pretty terrifying. When she regained consciousness, the doctors had managed to save her arms, but they’d had to amputate both her legs below the knee.
Without any control, they’ll simply go on reproducing and leading lives that can often be miserable. And there will also be unfortunate incidents where people get bitten. This in turn will mean a hospital visit and rabies shots, possibly tetanus too. Sponsoring a dog or cat means that your donation will go towards Soi Dog’s efforts helping the neglected and abused dogs and cats of Asia.
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Her travels have taken her from the far corners of the East to the islands of the Caribbean. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her lying on a beach somewhere, lost in a crime novel. Be aware of dogs around you; never step over or on a dog, especially in a driveway. Before approaching, or even in passing, look out for the dog’s body language. If a dog’s tail is high and wagging, this is a sign of friendliness.
They’re concentrating on dogs but can also deal with cats. (Usually they have a ‘cat day’ when people bring in cats.) The team on Samui includes two vets, three vet nurses, one assistant and two teams of dog catchers. Make sure your vaccinations are up to date before volunteering, and experience with dogs is always advised as you could be working with hostile animals. Some work is very hands-on, so don’t commit to volunteering if you can’t keep up with the physical demands.
I am a UK taxpayer and would like Soi Dog UK to treat all donations I have made over the past four years and all donations I make in the future as Gift Aid donations. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Gill and I often say we’ve never worked harder than in our retirement.
Stray Dogs in Thailand: Everything You Need to Know
Bright eyes, an open, relaxed mouth, relaxed ears, and a non-defensive stance are all signs that the animal is fine to approach. However, low or slowly wagging tails and a crouched stance can be signs of apprehension or intent to attack. Showing teeth, low growling, flat ears, and barking are all signs of hostility too, so keeping your distance is a must. Looking back, I think Gill coped partly because there was so much else happening, and losing her legs was the least of her worries.
Their shelter in Phuket takes volunteers, donations and encourages foreign and local adoption. They’re also committed to ending the dog meat trade by boycotting dog ceremonies and rescuing sacrificial dogs in Thailand and worldwide. Unlike Bali, where dogs legally aren’t allowed to leave the island, you can adopt dogs both in and from Thailand, and you don’t have to live in Thailand to do so. Many charities and shelters will even help arrange for your dog to be flown back to your home country with willing volunteers to facilitate the adoption process.
But adopting from Thailand when you’re not in the country is decidedly harder. Photo by Twenty20photos/Envato ElementsAdopting a stray dog in Thailand could save its life, and it’s positively encouraged by animal charities across the country. Don’t feed stray dogs or cats from your restaurant table, especially if other dogs are around. Photo by Twenty20photos/Envato ElementsIn the Western world, dogs are usually not to be feared and have gentle temperaments, developing beautiful relationships with humans.
Soi Dog Foundation has been featured on a new
Animal Planet show: VET GONE WILD, with Chris Brown.A great step forward in raising awareness :
Please see our website for many ways you can help save…
— Soi Dog Canada (@SoiDogCanada) June 13, 2018
But in the days and weeks after the tsunami, we were so busy that Gill didn’t have time to grieve. I helped to sort and wrap bodies, and Gill counseled the people who’d been injured or lost loved ones. Once professional relief teams arrived, we returned to helping the dogs and cats.
Puppies are effortlessly cute and amuse children and guests. But older dogs prove less fun to play with, and once dogs reach adulthood, they can sometimes develop aggressive traits. Dogs are also costly to take care of and having an extra mouth to feed can put a real strain on a family’s resources in this part of the world. If acquiring a dog has not been adequately thought through, Thai families have to prioritize their livelihood over their ownership of the animal.

Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I’ve gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It’s the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.