How to Find a Lost Cat

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that whether you notice obvious wounds or illnesses or not, any stray cat you see probably needs veterinary care. Without it, a stray cat that is hurt or ill may not last long on the streets. However, you should not expect a veterinarian to provide you with a bunch of free services as a thank you. Veterinarians like to help animals, but they must make a living to keep their doors open and their families thriving.

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Get to know the veterinarians and animal hospitals in your area, especially those familiar with caring for community cats. If you already have a trusted veterinarian and veterinary team but they are not fully familiar with the specific protocol for TNR or community cats, direct them to our . If you know a TNR advocate or group in your area, consult with them. They may have recommendations for veterinarians who are willing and experienced with TNR. If you can’t afford to take a stray cat to the vet if they look sick or hurt, you should take the animal to a local humane society or no-kill shelter where they can get the help that they need. If you can handle the veterinarian costs, the following information can help you properly budget.

Cats suffering from anxiety may also engage in unwanted behaviors, including urinating outside of the litter box or vomiting. Read on to learn more about the causes and symptoms of anxiety, and the things you can do to help treat and manage your cat’s anxiety. It’s very important for indoor cats to see the vet at least once a year, ideally every six months. This will ensure that they get the vaccinations they need, and enable you to detect and act on any health issues that may be developing before it’s too late. Rodents can also become part of the household without your knowledge.

The Veterinarian may want to start your cat on immune-enhancing drugs. You can also feed the cat a diet meant to boost their immune system. Once symptoms start occurring, the cat will need medication for the secondary infections.

If you’ve given it a week or two and have had no luck finding an owner, you might want to keep the cat for yourself ! There are articles on how to introduce a new cat to your existing dog or cat here. If you find a lost or stray cat, the first thing to do is to take the cat to a vet or any Petsmart with a Banfield inside to have it scanned for a microchip . If the microchip has been registered to an owner, the microchip company can contact the owner to let them know their cat has been found.

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If no microchip is found, you can decide whether to pay for a check-up and find out what kind of care the cat needs or to take the cat to a shelter that can better assist them. Stray cats tend to be a source of disagreement among human community members. While some people despise them and do all that they can to keep them away, others feel sorry for them and want to know how they can help them.

It is important that public health officials be notified promptly when plague is suspected in a cat. Just make sure you ask about their policy regarding loaning out equipment. Some shelters require trapped cats to be brought into the facility, where they may be killed rather than helped).When using a net, it’s important to wear protective clothing and thick gloves at all times. Drop traps are the best way to ensure you trap the right cat in the swiftest manner. This is especially important when you need to trap a sick or injured cat who needs veterinary attention. Be sure the best decisions will be made for cats by asking questions and being aware of your veterinarian’s community cat policies.

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Why do pets do weird things? Animal behavior experts weigh in..

Fortunately, there are many financial support options available that can help offset your financial responsibilities. If you find that you cannot afford the veterinarian care of the stray cat that you are trying to save, don’t feel guilty. Instead, find a humane society or rescue center in your area that is willing to take the cat in and provide it with the care that they need.

They don’t have a dedicated safe place to sleep where they will be protected from the outdoor elements and possible predators. They tend to get into fights with other cats that might be infected with a contagious disease. If your cat is missing and nowhere to be found inside or near your home, it’s key to start an active, physical search for them. In other words, don’t just wait for your cat to return home on their own. In fact, a 2017 study found that missing indoor cats were found, on average, a distance of only 39 meters away from home. Many times, stray cats are used to and enjoy human interaction, making them good candidates for adoption.

Especially if your cat is an indoor cat, you’re likely going to find them near home. If you have a Tractive GPS cat tracker, use Find Mode – which pops up on the Tractive GPS app screen when your cat’s tracker is nearby – to locate a hiding cat indoors. Even if they stay out longer than usual from time to time, they’ll generally come home when they’re hungry and remember you’re their meal ticket. Stray Haven is dedicated to promoting the health, well-being, and welfare of all cats – domestic, stray, abandoned, and feral. Once they get a clean bill of health, you can slowly introduce the new catto your pets.

You should take a stray cat to a veterinarian anytime that you are concerned about one and you can safely get them in a carrier for transport. Never chase a stray cat or try to corner or “capture” one, as this can cause unnecessary stress that can lead to even more health problems or even death. The cost of a trip to the veterinarian with a stray cat can be extensive if the kitty has multiple problems to address. If your cat is missing, it’s understandable that you may be anxious, and searching the web for the best way to bring your cat home. No one likes the feeling of not knowing where their furball is! But hopefully, with all these tips, you’ll be together again in no time.

Finding a lost cat might feel challenging, but chances are, you will be reunited in no time. You could try asking your other cats to help you find the missing one. But of course, this may not work, as the companion cats may not be willing to explore unfamiliar places in search of the lost one, in favor of their familiar territory. The sooner you start looking for your lost cat, the easier it will be to find them. Simply follow the tips in this article to bring your cat home safely. Common parasites for cats include roundworm, hookworm, and tapeworm.

Cats have 5 major personality types, pet owners believe – New York Post

Cats have 5 major personality types, pet owners believe.

Some reports say that up to 30% of cats will try and return to their former homes. Register your microchip with the company, so your information is on file if your cat ever goes missing. Be aware of the situations that could cause your cat to run away. Loud noises like fireworks, thunderstorms, or loud parties can cause anxiety and panic in animals.

What Kind Of Vet Care Does A Stray Cat Need?

If you haven’t been able to find your cat so far, the next thing you can try is luring out your lost cat with treats. Indoor cats usually have a much smaller territory than outdoor cats. This means they only feel comfortable exploring their “home territory”, so they probably won’t travel much further than a small distance from where they live. That means your lost feline friend is probably closer than you think.

To see their health care provider and watch their health closely for 2 weeks following the last possible contact with the infected animal. Follow-up will help identify persons who might have been exposed to the infected animal so that appropriate preventive measures, including prophylactic antibiotic therapy if indicated, can be implemented. Public health officials will assist with follow-up investigations and implementation of preventive measures at sites where cats might have been exposed to minimize future risk.

Call your local shelters, veterinarian offices, humane societies, police stations, and animal control to alert them. One of the most important reasons to bring a stray cat to the vet is to check if the cat is microchipped. If he is not chipped, you can ask your vet about the proper next step. Different regions have different rules – for example, some areas require you to report the cat to animal control and some areas may insist you bring the cat to an animal shelter for a holding period. They also have a plethora of resources you can utilize on their website.

If your pet has a microchip, update your contact information with the provider. Many microchip companies even have resources for lost pets, including helping in the outreach to local vets and shelters. Post to local rescue organizations, shelters, veterinary hospitals, and your own personal social media account. Most missing cats escape from their home to roam the great outdoors.

Use thick gloves, muzzles, and blankets if needed to protect yourself, or call authorities to be safe. Veterinary staff is at risk of plague if there is contact with infectious exudates, respiratory droplets, oral secretions, tissues or fleas. Antibiotic therapy should be started promptly, but pre-treatment samples are ideal for diagnostic testing.

Also check shelter websites – people often post missing cats they’ve found here. A study by pet detective Kat Albrecht and professor Jacquie Rand found that 59% of lost cats were found alive precisely because their humans actively searched for them2. To find a lost cat with a microchip, you’ll need to wait until someone finds your cat and brings them in to a shelter or vet where the microchip ID can be read. When a cat lives most of his life with humans and then becomes homeless or lost, he may have a hard time because he isn’t used to fending for himself. He may be malnourished, have a matted coat, or not have the proper up-to-date vaccinations that protect him from other cats with FiV, wildlife with rabies, etc.

A veterinarian can scan a cat for a microchip, so if there is an owner it can be found, but that’s generally the extent of available free services. Here’s what you need to know about the costs of taking a stray cat to a vet in 2022. One of the most overlooked medical issues in cats is dental disease. Even with the best of diets, cats can develop a buildup of plaque on their teeth, as well as inflammation of their gums . Without proper veterinary care, these conditions can lead to oral discomfort, difficulty eating, and even tooth loss. Cats can also develop dental resorptive lesions, which are very uncomfortable and require veterinary care.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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