Feral Cats or Stray Cats? Metairie Small Animal Hospital New Orleans, LA
They often aren’t attached to a colony so moving them may be doable. Socialize them in a smaller space than they’ve ever been accustomed to (as described for the more tractable outdoor kitties in #3). Follow the rigorous feeding schedule outlined above for at least a month and—usually—you’ve got them. Ackerman says that the risk of catching an intestinal parasite like Cryptosporidium and Giardia from cats has been vastly over-hyped.
If kitty wasn’t an expected arrival, this preparation can be done while she is at the vet’s office getting spayed . She doesn’t want to be touched at this point, and will probably view any attempts at petting as a threat. She may have had bad experiences with people before you, from all-out abuse to being shot at or rocks thrown at her while she was just trying to find food. Even if she never had these experiences, a true feral has been taught from birth to distrust you. Once they get a clean bill of health, you can slowly introduce the new catto your pets.
A great rescue group brought in a young cat for veterinary care the other day. Found in a tree with a wound of unknown origin, he seemed healthy, people oriented and sweet. TNR can help save shelters, pounds and animal control agencies a significant amount of money. For one cat to participate in the TNR program, it is half the cost of euthanizing that same cat.
When dealing with feral cats, it’s also essential to talk to community members to figure out how many cats exist, where they hang out, and who is feeding them. If you see a homeless cat, the first thing you need to do is figure out if the animal is lost. If you can, provide food, water and shelter to the cat and then contact your local animal organization. You can find such organizations and adoption groups in your area by usingPetfinder’s search tool.
Recapturing feral cats can be very difficult because the cats become trap shy. In Australia, just treating annually for ectoparasites and worms in stray cats would cost about AU$157 (approximately US$108) per cat and would require monthly captures (Crawford et al. 2019). Because of the difficulty of catching cats more than once, most studies use visual assessments of TNR cats to determine the health of the cats. Some studies estimate that 21% of cats in a colony are blind or have scars or skin problems (Castro-Prieto and Andrade-Nunez 2018). Others have estimated that a large majority of the cats appear healthy (80% of cats in Auckland, New Zealand; Zito et al. 2019). Cats may appear to be healthy but have underlying conditions such as parasites and mastitis.
Don’t RISK Your Pet’s Health
Feral cats, on the other hand, are more likely to run away or hide. Surgery should be performed by veterinarians using proper sterile technique and instrumentation. “Balanced anesthesia” refers to the use of a combination of drugs and anesthetic agents that ensure safe, reversible loss of consciousness together with physical and mental relaxation and pain control. Administering a single IM injection that includes a combination of sedatives, analgesics, and anesthetic agents is the best way to reduce stress and rapidly induce safe loss of consciousness in trapped cats. Cats also harbor ectoparasites, including fleas, ticks, and mites.
You can also call the veterinarian listed on the vaccination tag, who should be able to put you in contact with the cat’s guardian. Stray cats are likely to look at you and make eye contact, whereas feral cats tend to avoid eye contact. Strays tend to avoid other cats, while feral cats often live in groups. If a cat shows up on your property, it’s a good idea to observe their behavior from a safe distance before approaching to offer help.
Following surgery, cats need ample time to fully recover from the effects of general anesthesia, which may leave them woozy, disoriented, and sleepy. Holding them safely overnight in their traps will help to ensure that they are fully alert and physically coordinated for safe release the following day. Attach bowls to the trap using zip ties; this will allow caregivers to offer food and water prior to release. Even if a cat is infected with Toxoplasma, it typically only sheds the disease-spreading oocysts for a few weeks. To catch an infection, a person would need to have direct contact with these infected feces. Most people go out of their way to avoid touching the contents of their pet cat’s litter box, and they’re even less likely to touch feral cat feces.
When it’s time to trap the cat for your spay/neuter appointment, unprop the door so that the next time the cat enters the trap, the door will close. Do NOT leave the trap unattended once the door can close and trap the cat. In contrast, a stray cat is a domesticated outdoor cat who was probably a companion house cat, or a kitten of a companion house cat, that was abandoned or became lost. Stray cats are often friendly and affectionate; but, you should always use caution when approaching and handling a stray cat. Please see Help, I Need To Bring A Stray Cat In for more information on bringing a friendly, stray cat into your home. Dealing with finding a lost cat takes a considerable amount of time, and you may find yourself fostering your feline guest for several days or even weeks.
The Benefits of Feral Cat TNR Programs vs. Euthanasia
Laboratory studies have shown that cats can contract avian flu and could possibly transmit this virus to humans (Rimmelzwaan et al. 2006). Most feral cats can’t be socialized and are content living outdoors. Sometimes, feral kittens may be able to be tamed and adopted into homes if they are socialized when they are very young. Although some conditions may increase the risk of complications, in feral cats, the benefits of neutering likely outweigh these risks. Cats who are pregnant, in estrus, or have pyometra , as well as those who are thin or have mild upper respiratory infection, can be safely spayed or neutered. Common ailments include abscesses, wounds, tail tip injuries, and dental disease.
If you think the cat is feral and doesn’t have a tipped year, contact a local shelter to ask what organizations participate in a trap-neuter-return program . TNR captures feral cats, neuters and returns them to their habitat. The advantage of the program is that it ends the reproductive cycle of the cats. There have been many studies done in various programs throughout the U.S. on the effectiveness of TNR programs. Multiple programs have been implemented and reported decreased numbers in their cat populations since implementing the TNR program.
Take the time to put your statement in writing because, even if police are unable to locate the owner, the incident may find its way into the local news. A stray kitty you bring home could have anything — from an obvious upper respiratory infection to a viral disease , or an unknown problem to FIV or other diseases. Again, without veterinary care, nobody would have detected this problem until parasites took over the cat and caused him major GI upset. Even if he is not the aggressor, an intact male cat is more susceptible to cat fights, which can put him at risk for trauma and contagious diseases such as FIV (“feline AIDS”). If you bring a stray kitten or cat into your home, don’t think he is fine, even if he looks OK.
Crafted from durable fir wood and finished with non-toxic paint, this amazing outdo.. Ask to place the cat on the “found” list because this could be someone’s pet. Also, ask if the shelter staff could scan the animal for a microchip that gives an ID number. If the microchip is present, you could look through a database to find the owners’ information and reunite them with their lost cat. If you want to adopt the cat, follow the link below to read how you can help a cat adjust easily.
This generally only pulls the body off, leaving the head inside the skin, which can lead to extremely nasty infections and other problems. If you must get them off yourself, get a pair of tweezers, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some q-tips, and a small jar. Pour some rubbing alcohol into the jar, set it aside, then take a q-tip, dip it in the alcohol and place directly on the tick. The tick will become agitated and raise its head out of the kitten.
Physical exams are crucial to identify problems that may require attention or treatment. Cats undergoing elective surgery should appear to be in reasonably good health and body condition. However, veterinarians must weigh the risks and benefits of spaying and neutering patients with apparent physical abnormalities such as evidence of mild infectious disease or decreased body condition. In the context of TNR, future opportunities to provide the animal with care may be limited, and the alternative outcome may be release without surgical sterilization, or euthanasia. All cats should be thoroughly scanned for a microchip using a universal scanner. Highly stressed pet cats can sometimes be mistaken for feral cats, but if you can find a chip, you may be able to return a missing pet to her owner.
Feral cats and kittens have never been socialized to humans and might bite or scratch if you try to touch them — if you’re even allowed to get that close. Communities around the country are increasingly using TNR as the preferred method of cat control. Here, we examine the best medical practices for TNR, starting from the moment of capture through the time of release. Some of these steps will likely be performed by trappers and caregivers, others by the veterinarians performing the examinations, vaccinations, and surgeries. Here are some ways that will help distinguish a feral cat from a scared stray cat when they are frightened, confined, or in a new place.
Stray cats that are re-introduced to an indoor home after living outdoors may require a period of time to re-acclimate; they may be frightened and wary after spending time outside away from people. A stray cat is a cat who lived indoors and was socialized to people at some point in her life, but has left or lost her home, or was abandoned, and no longer has regular human contact. That can help you reduce the number of feral/wild cats on your property. The shelter rents out live traps for free (they do require a $50 refundable deposit) so you can trap feral/wild cats on your property.
If you already have pets in the home, keep the new kitty quarantined either until you locate the owner or you can take the cat to the vet for a health check and vaccinations. Once you’ve captured cats in a humane box trap, hold them there until the time of surgery. Transferring cats to larger enclosures is not recommended for short-term holding, because it increases the risk of human injury as well as cat escape. Cats are experts at escape—and if a feral cat is afforded any opportunity, he will almost always succeed!

Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I’ve gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It’s the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.