Feline Behavior Problems: Destructive Behavior Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine

I would be very interested to know what trauma this cat went through as a kitten.Sometimes you one has to observe the cat and try to fit the pieces together as a jigsaw puzzle. I am not a doctor,however I have worked with cats and kittens well over 20 years rescuing and adopting out. Just keep an eye out for any triggers during the examination so you can identify what it is that sets of the aggression during examination (if it’s not the actual clinic location). It is possible to train this out of your cat; it will take a long time though, depending on how bad the reaction is. All you have to do is make them change the association from a negative one to a positive one.

You can help meet your cat’s need to forage by putting a large ball in the food bowl, or by providing toys that deliver treats when moved or scratched. Because scratching is an innate behavior like grooming or burying waste, it can be difficult to stop. However, cats can be taught to scratch on more appropriate objects like scratching posts. The following three tactics will help you redirect your cat’s scratching behavior. In healthy cats, the zoomies can be normal and behaviorally-appropriate. Some cats just love a good romp and run about the house to burn off excess energy.

What Are Cat Zoomies?

This could be as simple as a room outfitted with food, water, some toys, and a litter pan. Using food and treats as motivators is great for keeping cats busy and entertained, but it’s important to not feed your cat too much or give them too many treats. One important exception to these guidelines is an older cat that is restless and howling at night. There are multiple medical issues that occur in older cats that can result in them seeming to be “needy” at night. As a rule, these cats have a history of being well-behaved, but then suddenly start pacing at night, howling, and just seeming anxious.

Therefore don’t be surprised if your outdoor cat roams away from home on the hunt for some irresistible prey. As hard as it is, ignore the behavior entirely and take steps the next night to prevent it in the first place. However, if your cat is older and suddenly seems more needy at night, take them to the vet and do not ignore the behavior. Perhaps the easiest step is to keep your cat from taking a few of those late-in-the-day naps.

If you do not have time to develop these positive associations before your next scheduled veterinary visit, make the carrier smell familiar to assure your cat that it is a safe haven. Place a blanket, towel, or even an old item of your clothing into the carrier and spray the carrier and blankets with Feliway® at least half an hour before you are going to use it. Individual cats may have specific preferences for a carrier, but some options are better than others. Although cardboard cat carriers are inexpensive and disposable, they should only be used as a temporary form of transport because a determined cat can break out of them in no time.

The dog that walks like a human – and other precocious pets: ‘We didn’t teach him, it was his idea’ – The Guardian

The dog that walks like a human – and other precocious pets: ‘We didn’t teach him, it was his idea’.

A “crazy” cat can be entertaining to watch, but the behavior could veer into destructiveness, with the cat inadvertently knocking things over, and an increased likelihood that someone gets bitten. She founded The Vetitude, a website for veterinary professionals. Dr. Smith is part of The Spruce Pets’ Veterinary Review Board. Because cats sleep much of the day in order to conserve energy , when they’re awake, they’re really awake. After a long catnap, running from one end of the house to another is a way for your cat to reinvigorate their mind and body. When cats run away, it’s often just for a few minutes, hours, or days at a time.

Sleep Habits

The information at Paws and Effect is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease and is intended for educational purposes only. Although thoroughly researched, articles are not written or edited by a veterinarian. Then have one of the receptionists or the vet do it quickly, if they’re willing to accommodate you.

The reasons for this wild and sometimes-amusing behavior vary. So if you have a curious, exploring adventure cat, know that it’s 100% normal. But of course, there are certain safety measures we can take to protect our outdoor feline friends. This is especially important, because your cat may face certain dangers when they’ve gone missing out of your sight. Divide up a healthy portion recommended by your veterinarian over the course of 24 hours. Canned food has fewer calories per volume than dry food, so using canned food for the bulk of the meals may help balance out any dry food you feed in puzzle toys or as treats.

Pete the Vet: ‘Help! My spaniel’s ears are sore, what should I do?’ – Irish Examiner

Pete the Vet: ‘Help! My spaniel’s ears are sore, what should I do?’.

Microchipping can help prove that you are the rightful parent, should this happen and you can identify who took your cat. But it can be difficult to find your stolen cat if you have no way to track them in real time – unfortunately microchips won’t help with that but a GPS cat tracker can. Next, another natural cause of cats running away is sickness.

Traveling by Car With Your Fearful Cat

This is one time when we can spoil your kitty with feline junk food. Many cats seem to take a victory lap after using the litter box. Some cats run like crazy after they’ve had a bowel movement, particularly if it was uncomfortable. “Such discomfort could be caused by infections or inflammatory processes involving the urinary tract, colon or rectum,” explains Dr. Mike Paul for the Pet Health Network. The mating instinct in cats could lead to your feline buddy going missing for days at a time, or even getting into dangerous situations if they get lost, stuck, or injured far away from home. For peace of mind, nowadays you can easily track your cat and follow their every step with a GPS cat tracker.

Never consider travelling with your cat loose in the car. All cats deserve some special attention when they are being asked to do something unfamiliar. You have the right to say your cat is acting stranger than usual. If you don’t like how your cat is being handled or your cat is more upset than normal, speak up — a good practice will be sensitive to your needs.

Cat Zoomies: Why Your Cat Gets Them & When to Call the Vet

If your cat prefers couches and other nubby surfaces, choose a post covered in sisal or some other rope-like material. The scratching post should also match your cat’s preferred scratching orientation. A cat that climbs and scratches on drapes would probably prefer a post tall enough for a long stretch, such as those that mount on a wall or door. However, a cat that likes the horizontal motion of scratching on a carpet might be more likely to use a flattened cardboard box, or a log placed on its side . A house cat that doesn’t have to hunt for its food still needs to burn its pent-up energy, and it may be in the form of what appears to be crazy behavior.

If you suspect your cat has fleas, treat all the furry animals in the household with a prescription product specifically for cats, designed to kill and prevent fleas. You should also see your vet to determine if there are any secondary skin infections of allergies from the fleas that need to be treated. You’ll also need to treat the environment by vacuuming, doing laundry, and using area sprays or flea bombs if recommended by your vet. Once the fleas are gone, your cat should stop this behavior. If you have an older cat, it’s possible it’s acting crazy because of some cognitive dysfunction or senility. As a pet ages, its brain may start functioning differently and cause it to exhibit strange behavior for no apparent reason.

With each purr, yowl, or even blink, your feline is actually trying to communicate with you. The problem is that people simply misunderstand or don’t see what or how their cats are trying to communicate. Petting at the base of your cat’s tail or back triggers it to groom, scratch, or bite the area excessively and then run around the house crazily. Feline hyperesthesia syndrome is a rare reason why a cat may act crazy, although it affects mature cats most often and the cause is unknown. Precisely balanced nutrition with the delicious taste of savory minced ocean fish to help fuel the energy needs of cats during the prime of their life. Entertain and keep your cat stimulated at home with healthy activities & play.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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