Animal Care Centers of NYC ACC

When gaining a stray cat’s trust and affection, it is sometimes two steps forward, two steps back. Please bring the sick or injured animal, during regular business hours, to the appropriate shelter. Please note that these agencies are currently only accepting sick or injured cats. Feral cats are born in the wild, and thus, have had very little contact with humans.

They may have recommendations for veterinarians who are willing and experienced with TNR. If you’re not able to make a feral cat box, you can also buy one. There are cat heated bedsand unheated options as well as “houses” that can be used as shelters for stray cats.

These are important questions with many different implications. Contact your local municipal animal control facility to determine if they would be able to hold the cat and adopt it out or get in touch with its owners . If you decide to provide food for the cat, check to see if your city or town has an ordinance prohibiting the feeding of strays. This could then make the cat weaker and more vulnerable to sickness, parasites, and predation. If you’re willing and able, you can help the cat by fostering it yourself after he or she has had appropriate disease testing and vaccinations, since shelter space is always at a premium.

If the cat doesn’t have a home, vaccinate it, treat any injuries or illnesses, and then slowly introduce it to your home. It can take a while for the cat to get used to a new environment, but the process is incredibly rewarding. Iguidenetwork–she has obviously picked you guys as her family! Do you plan to keep her or will you try to find a home for her with someone else? If she is that friendly she will probably make a great pet for someone.

Make sure they can see you at all times as you approach, and perhaps entice them to come to you by offering strong-smelling food such as canned tuna or dried liver. A strange, frightened, and possibly sick or injured animal can behave unpredictably. A sudden move on your part, even opening your car door, can spook them and cause them to bolt—possibly right onto the highway. If the animal looks or acts threatening, or if you feel uneasy about the situation, stay in your car. If the cat has an abscess it will often open on it’s own and will heal without treatment.

Social networking apps like Nextdoor are especially helpful for quickly finding out which neighbors have been adopted, or where the cat actually resides. This can also be helpful in determining whether the cat has been taken to the vet or is on flea and tick medicine. A dog fence is an important detail to consider when adopting a pet for the first time or moving your dog to a new home. They may not be ready to beat you in a game of chess, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and generally eager to please you. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable.

Before you take an injured animal to a private veterinary hospital for treatment, be willing to assume financial responsibility for the animal. Good care is not cheap, and many veterinarians have many Samaritans in their waiting rooms every year. Anyone who is committed to trying to save injured stray animals should discuss these issues in advance with the veterinarian. If you don’t have a live trap, contact FCCO to rent a humane live trap. We will show you how to safely trap the cat so you can take him to a veterinarian. Do not attempt to grab the cat or try and put him in a carrier.

Part 3 of 3:Taming the Stray Cat

You should also never approach a cat that seems sick, even though you likely want to do everything in your power to help the poor kitty. How you trap a sick or injured cat is highly dependent on the state the cat is in. For example, this is one of the only times where you may consider using a net. If you do not already have a trusted community cat-friendly veterinarian or clinic, we have some advice on finding the right veterinary professional for your needs. Your partner veterinarian should be able to aid you not only in treating sick or injured community cats, but also in every aspect of your TNR work. As a community cat advocate, it’s always wise to plan ahead for how you’ll pay for veterinary bills, including any beyond the usual spay and neuter, vaccination, and eartip.

The vet can test for communicable diseases such as FLVS and FIV. The cat also needs to get vaccinations such as rabies and distemper. We helped rescue 275 dogs from a suspected dogfighting operation in South Carolina.

The best way to gain a cat’s trust is to give them food. They say, “if you feed a stray it will stay,” but this is only true because it is hungry and you are finally giving it what it needs. Cats depend on humans for care, and even stray cats need food, water, and shelter.

Why do pets do weird things? Animal behavior experts weigh in. – The Washington Post

Why do pets do weird things? Animal behavior experts weigh in..

Your support is needed now more than ever to give these dogs and other animals the life they deserve. You’d want them to take your pet to a veterinarian, and you’d want them to try to find you. At the same time, be reasonable about how much you can afford to do for that animal if no owner shows up. Your support is needed NOW more than ever to give these dogs and other animals the life they deserve. When moving toward the animal, speak calmly to reassure them.

Post a picture of the cat around your neighborhood to find its owner. Take a photo of the cat and place it on a local community notice board and on social media. Write a detailed description of where you found the cat and note any distinguishing features or markings. Close all the windows and doors in the house to stop the cat from escaping. It is likely that the cat will hide for a little while once it realises that the front door is closed. This is normal behaviour for a stray cat and overtime, it will slowly become more confident.If the cat makes loud noises, starts clawing at furniture, or is terrified of people, this may indicate that it is feral.

A feral cat, however, is the wild-born offspring of free-roaming or other feral cats. Feral cats are not socialized and are not suitable pets, as they are often too fearful of people to ever be touched or domesticated. Feral kittens, depending on their age, may be young enough to tame.

Never give a kitten cow’s milk, they should only be given Kitten Milk Replacer . To find out more about how to care for kittens please visit the National Kitten Coalition ( and The Kitten Lady ( When you are feeding the cat for the first time, don’t try to move in closer. Letting the cat know that it has access to food or water without threat is the first step to having it trust you. If left on their own, they will likely succumb to an early death from disease, starvation, or injury.

Catch them safely

Place a bowl of cat food outside at the same time each day. When possible, we ask finders to make appointments to surrender stray pets, provided you are able to hold the animal potentially for several days. This can help us better prepare for the animal and make his or her stay as ideal as possible. If an animal comes to us as a stray, we will hold the animal for 72 hours during which time we will search through various databases for any reports of lost pets that may fit the description of that animal. If no one claims him or her after the holding period, he/she will receive a Placement Evaluation to determine next steps. For more information, please contact ourAdmissions Department.

Maybe you’re her owner, but she won’t come to you because she’s scared. If your cat is not familiar with the outdoors, all of the new stimulants can make her confused or nervous. In other cases, there could be a stray or feral cat in the area that requires medical attention, such as spaying or neutering before she’s released back into the community. But because you need to be cautious with any unknown felines that could have contagious diseases, this method won’t require you to pick up or handle the cat in any way. A free-roaming cat is a tame cat who is friendly toward people, and can either be a cat that has an owner but is allowed to roam outside, or a cat that was formerly owned, but has been abandoned or lost.

Use our tips on developing resources for cat care to help create an emergency medical fund, or for ideas on how to negotiate a payment plan with your veterinarian. Fortunately, there are many financial support options available that can help offset your financial responsibilities. Some resources are focused specifically on veterinary care. If you find that you cannot afford the veterinarian care of the stray cat that you are trying to save, don’t feel guilty. Instead, find a humane society or rescue center in your area that is willing to take the cat in and provide it with the care that they need.

Cats that live in feral cat colonies often have an ear that is notched or cut by a vet. This lets caretakers know that the cat has been vaccinated and spayed or neutered. It has also been shown that removing feral cats from an area doesn’t actually fix the problem, as new strays and feral cats will just move in.

Understand the limitations of shelters and animal care and control agencies. For instance, you can take a badly injured stray dog to animal control and find out that the agency is unable to provide expensive surgery to treat the dog’s injuries. In those cases, shelters may euthanize the animals to relieve their suffering. Virtually all animal control facilities have severe budgetary or space limitations and must make painful decisions about how best to allocate their inadequate resources. Once you’ve got kitty safe and sound in the crate, bring her to the vet immediately. They’ll be able to check for a microchip to find the owner, if the cat has one.

The cost of a trip to the veterinarian with a stray cat can be extensive if the kitty has multiple problems to address. At the very least, a check-up will give you a clear idea of what kinds of treatments the cat will need so you can determine whether you can handle the financial responsibility of making the cat healthy again. Some stray cats have already lived with humans, so they’re already well socialized and ready to be in a loving home. If the stray hasn’t lived with humans before but is still a kitten or a very young adult, it may not take long for the cat to become friendly and tame.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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