How to Bring Your Cat to the Vet Without a Carrier: 11 Steps

Remember, cats don’t have shoulder blades like we do – if they can get their heads in it, they can get the rest of their bodies in it, too. Instead, you can do harm to cats’ health and wellbeing. Clear the space of any possible hiding places, then lean a single large board against a wall. When the cat is locked into the smaller space, she’ll immediately try to find the nearest hiding spot. Since you only left her one option, she’ll dart behind the board and possibly right into the trap.

Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Very Feisty (Claws-Out) Cat to the Vet

Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. With up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Our content and products are for informational purposes only. Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Try to see things from a scared kitty’s perspective, and then adjust yourself so you aren’t so scary. The most important thing is just to be there with her. Reading out loud is one of the best things you can do, because she will get used to you and your voice.

At least once a day, our office fields a call from a cat owner who has to cancel at the last minute because kitty isn’t amenable to carrier confinement. The other generality is that they tend to go to extremes. She will either try every time you open the door to get out, or she will show no interest at all in going outside.

Feral cats

After all, waiting until she’s sick enough to resist less violently is not a reasonable option — even though a startlingly large percentage of cat owners resort to this very tactic. The issue is that they never get into the cage, and it’s been something I’ve tried many, many times. I think this is a safe way to approach it and sensible advice.

In essence, socializing a feral cat is no more than building back up a trust that has been lost or never known. The first step of proving that you are a reliable source of food has been taken–and noted–in the cat’s mind. That’s not enough to really get through to this cat that you are worthy of her trust.

Depending on their age and how long they have been without their mama, they may not have much time to lose. If the kittens appear to be well-fed, healthy, warm, and are not screaming for food, their mom may not be far away. She may be out looking for food or temporarily scared off due to your presence. Please do not disturb the kittens and keep an eye from a distance for a couple hours to see if mama returns to care for them. If the mother is still around, keep them together if at all possible as it will increase the kittens’ chance of survival.

This will be more familiar to her, since she is used to going in dirt. Over time, mix in the litter until all you have is straight litter-filled litter pans. Don’t use clumping litter just yet – that is way too foreign and she won’t know what to do with it. Unless they are really scared or sick, ferals are generally fastidious about using a litterbox. It’s part of their natural defenses to cover their waste so predators can’t easily find them.

You will be amazed at how small she can make herself, what tiny holes and cracks she will be able to get herself into to hide from you. The last thing you need is to have to chase this cat out of an unsafe hiding spot or, worse yet, from inside your ductwork or walls. Get down on your belly and look everywhere in the room for anything that may be unsafe.

If there’s no local group helping community cats, you may decide to start one. Talk with others in your community and find some like-minded individuals to help share the workload. Volunteer to help at a spay/neuter event for community cats. It’s helpful if you can provide shelter for the cat while you search for their owner. If no owner is found, you can try tofind a good home for themor adopt the cat yourself. If you take the cat home with you, have them examined by a veterinarian before introducing them to your other cats.

You may decide to keep the cat as a pet when all is said and done! If nothing else, you can provide useful health and personality information to interested adopters if you can’t keep the cat yourself. Otherwise, continue reading for information on capturing, temporary housing, veterinary resources, and finding a new home for your stray. If you have found a friendly stray, please consider filing a FOUND cat report with your local humane society and Lost Cats of Wisconsin to help reunite the kitty with possible owners. Any vet or humane society can scan the stray kitty for a microchip as well.

Simply carrying your cat in your arms can pose a problem, as cats are hard to secure when frightened. Many sports bags have nylon material lining the sides, filled with holes that allow for a cat to breath easy through the bag. You will need to take your cat to the vet for regular check-ups and in the event he gets sick.

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If the kittens are screaming for food, cold/dirty, or look like mama has not been there to feed them, do not delay, these kittens need to be warmed up and fed. DO NOT FEED KITTENS COWS MILK. Please see Kitten Rescue’s online resource for more information about Raising Orphaned Kittens. From what I’ve experienced feral cats thrive in the wild and eventually find their end on their own terms. There is no reason our intervention should cost a sentient being their life, even if they are close to the end of their lifespan. Nothing gives us the right to meddle and willingly terminate a life.

How Much Does a Trip to the Veterinarian Cost?

Try to look just over her ears, and she won’t feel threatened. In the feral cat world, direct eye contact is considered an act of aggression. Especially in the beginning, when she’s feeling you out, avoid looking at her at all. This will reinforce to her that you are not a predator watching her every move and waiting for her to show a weakness.

A dog fence is an important detail to consider when adopting a pet for the first time or moving your dog to a new home. They may not be ready to beat you in a game of chess, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and generally eager to please you. Allow him to wear the harness for a bit, under supervision, with no leash.

Veterinarians like to help animals, but they must make a living to keep their doors open and their families thriving. A veterinarian can scan a cat for a microchip, so if there is an owner it can be found, but that’s generally the extent of available free services. Here’s what you need to know about the costs of taking a stray cat to a vet in 2022. So you want to help that stray cat in your backyard. You may be thinking, how much is this going to cost? Kittens are a powerful lure for avoidant mother cats.

Remember, the de-worming med is a poison, so kitty may act a bit off while on the meds. This is normal, but keep a close eye on her for any serious adverse reactions. Spay/Neuter is important for many reasons, but here are a few pertaining especially to bringing a feral inside.

Workers in the waiting room have to take extra precautions to make sure your pet is safe and is not injured by dogs or other animals. Also be aware the clinic cannot guarantee your cat’s safety when not in a box. For example, a dog off lead may enter the waiting area who likes to chase cats, and bounds at your cat, who may then get injured. Maybe you’re her owner, but she won’t come to you because she’s scared.

Be sure to have her checked for FeLV , FIV and FIP . Also have the vet run stool cultures, rule out ringworm, and look for lice. Be sure to check for worms, fleas, ticks and other parasites. Consider putting out a bowl of commercial wet food or cooked chicken or beef for the cat to enjoy while you hang out near them.

Kittens who are scared and alone may race to join the “other kittens” in the trap. The mother cat may think her kittens are calling for her and enter the trap to find them. If you do not have a car, you’ll need to get your cat used to public transportation before you take him to the vet’s office. You can practice short trips on a bus, train, or subway. However, understand the vast majority of public transportation options in a city require that your cat be contained in some kind of crate or bag. You probably cannot bring your cat on a subway, for example, with just a harness or in a basket without a lid.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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