Veterinarian in Lafayette, IN Wildcat Valley Animal Clinic

TNR programs are the hallmark of controlling feral cat populations. These programs humanely trap feral cats and partner with veterinarians to spay and neuter them. Many programs vaccinate the cats for rabies and other infectious diseases. Although repeat immunizations are unlikely, some degree of protection is conferred.

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Illinois’ Skunks Are Really Active Right Now, Here’s Why.

Basically, these fuzzy interlopers can show up on your doorstep asking for cat food, shelter and attention. Alley Cat Allies advocates euthanasia only for a terminal illness or untreatable injury. Unfortunately, some veterinarians who haven’t been trained to work with community cats believe in “euthanizing” (i.e. killing) community cats rather than treating them.

At Wildcat Valley Animal Clinic, you can expect state of the art medical care for your pet. We believe in nurturing the human-pet bond and creating a harmonious relationship between people and pets. You can expect to be greeted by a courteous receptionist, clean exam rooms, friendly doctors, and caring technicians. We appreciate the role we get to play in your pets’ health care. This includes a cat litter box, a place to snuggle up, and food and water.

Smart cat owners know that desensitization works. Try feeding your cat inside the carrier, which is an especially good trick for those who need to feed their cats separately for weight control. You should also line it with newspaper to soak up urine, and always keep a clean towel inside.

It has been proven that trapping and euthanizing feral cats only contributes to the population problem. Cats are territorial and when cats are removed and euthanized from a location, new cats will move in and the survivors will breed to capacity. This well-documented phenomenon is called the vacuum effect.


According to the ASPCA, there are tens of millions of feral and stray cats in the United States. If you don’t have a live trap, contact FCCO to rent a humane live trap. We will show you how to safely trap the cat so you can take him to a veterinarian. Do not attempt to grab the cat or try and put him in a carrier. You will frighten the cat and risk being bitten or scratched, and it is safer for the cat and veterinary staff if the cat is in a trap. Are personal pets or for free-roaming friendly and sociable outdoor cats.

Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Certain cats respond well to relaxing pheromone sprays that you can spritz inside the carrier or diffuse in your home on the big vet visit day. In my experience, this is absolutely a factor –– a big one. At least once a day, our office fields a call from a cat owner who has to cancel at the last minute because kitty isn’t amenable to carrier confinement. It may also involve testing out different types of cat litterto find the one that most closely mirrors what the cat was relieving himself on outside. “There’s actually a litter meant to help transition cats from outdoor to indoor living—it’s called Touch of Outdoors [Dr.

Some stray cats will be friendly right off the bat, but with others, it may take time and patience to establish trust. “If a cat is not comfortable with humans, they will mostly scratch or bite if you attempt to handle them. Go slow and always allow the cat a way to leave the situation so that they don’t feel cornered,” says Gouge. If you are set on adopting this stray cat into your home, and you know they do not belong to someone, then you can begin the transition process. Lack of immunization, parasite control, adequate nutrition, and hygiene put feral cats at risk of many life-threatening problems.

Community cats require a special veterinary approach that takes into account their unique needs, and the fact that they are not socialized to humans. This resource center is your source for in-depth information about community cats, their care, and their needs. Feral cats are fiercely independent and survive without the help of humans. They avoid people and hide, back away, or flee when they spot humans. If cornered, feral cats may become defensive.

There are so many cat lovers out there who are willing and able to help in cases like this,” says Phillips. If one of the outdoor cats you feed is sick or injured, call your veterinarian and ask if they see feral cats. If they do not, call other vet hospitals in your area to see who does, or refer to the list below. Not all handle feral cats so be sure to share as much as you know about the cat’s temperament to prepare the medical team. If you do not already have a trusted community cat-friendly veterinarian or clinic, we have some advice on finding the right veterinary professional for your needs.

Fix by Five– If you support earlier-age spay and neuter, add your practice on the Fix by Five web page to build support for his important movement. They are wonderful veterinarians; I travel 45 minutes each way to have our animals seen here because the care they get is excellent. During times of illness, we are equipped to diagnose and manage your animals’ health care needs quickly and efficiently with a variety of in house diagnostic tools. Our content and products are for informational purposes only.

Before assuming that a cat wants to adopt you, you should check to see if he’s wearing a cat ID tagor bring him to a nearby animal hospital or rescue group to have him scanned for a microchip. If the cat has an owner, it is your responsibility to make a genuine effort to reunite cat and owner. “Some cats are good at making the neighborhood rounds and having several friends they like to visit,” she says. If the cat has an abscess it will often open on it’s own and will heal without treatment. If the abscess has opened and the wound is not showing improvement over the next few days he should be trapped and taken to a veterinarian for treatment and FIV testing, or relinquished to DoveLewis. We have tips for safely trapping sick or injured kitties below.

If you’re not able to make a feral cat box, you can also buy one. There are cat heated bedsand unheated options as well as “houses” that can be used as shelters for stray cats. Remember that trapping is stressful for community cats and should only be done out of necessity, such as for spay and neuter or to treat more serious injuries or illnesses.

One of the best methods is using a Drop Trap, which gives you more control over when the trap is sprung, so you can safely enclose the sick or injured cat inside. Based on the severity of illness or injury, a cat might need to be placed in a long-term holding area for recovery. Whether that recovery is done in your home or the veterinary clinic, plan beforehand so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute.

The Natural History of the Cat – Understanding cats’ place in history and human evolution proves that cats can be just as at home outside as they are inside. This overview reveals just how recently domestic cats came indoors, and how millions of this species continue to live healthy lives outdoors today, as all domestic cats are biologically adapted to do. Close openings in garages, sheds, and under porches where feral cats may seek shelter. Use commercial or natural odor repellants to discourage visits to your garden or flower beds. Place motion activated lights or noise traps that will deter jumping on cars and fences. If you feed a feral cat, you may be helping one kitty, but contributing to the overall feral cat problem.

If you find a cat who is injured and you cannot afford to pay for their care, you can take the cat toDoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospitaland relinquish the cat as a stray. They will stabilize the cat and transfer him to the Shelter from the county where he was found. If you haven’t already, review our general information on TNR at and our information for hard-to-trap cats at We have both a full service, fully equipped animal hospital as well as a walk in wellness center. For more information on the FCAP program or how you can help, please contact FCAP coordinator Daiva at This email address is being protected from spambots.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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