About Feral Cats

If the cat you see is friendly enough to approach you and is wearing identification, you can attempt to contact his/her owners to determine if he/she is missing. If the cat you see appears to be feral, please refer to the Resources section for information on organizations that can assist with feral cat management. A free-roaming cat is a tame cat who is friendly toward people, and can either be a cat that has an owner but is allowed to roam outside, or a cat that was formerly owned, but has been abandoned or lost. A feral cat, however, is the wild-born offspring of free-roaming or other feral cats.

It is important to have a cat carrierwhen transporting your new cat to the veterinarian. The vast majority of veterinarians will require you to use a cat carrier when bringing any cat to the vet. “Take a picture and post it online, asking if anyone knows the cat hanging out in your yard. Sometimes you can find the cat’s owner, or someone who takes care of local cat colonies will recognize him,” she says. “Some cats are good at making the neighborhood rounds and having several friends they like to visit,” she says. On the day of surgery assure your traps are securely latched and that the trap is empty except for a layer of newspaper and the cat.

Animal Care and Adoption Centers – Cape Cod

In this scenario, it is best to open the door and let the cat outside. Bring the food inside once the cat is comfortable eating near the house. Place the bowl of food inside the front door and ensure that nobody is around to scare the cat. If you have any other pets in the house, lock them in a separate room for minute while the cat eats.

Part 3 of 3:Taming the Stray Cat

Close all the windows and doors in the house to stop the cat from escaping. It is likely that the cat will hide for a little while once it realises that the front door is closed. This is normal behaviour for a stray cat and overtime, it will slowly become more confident.If the cat makes loud noises, starts clawing at furniture, or is terrified of people, this may indicate that it is feral.

CARE Seeks To Give Vet Care to Feral Feline Friends – Chapelboro.com

CARE Seeks To Give Vet Care to Feral Feline Friends.

If you can handle the veterinarian costs, the following information can help you properly budget. A great rescue group brought in a young cat for veterinary care the other day. Found in a tree with a wound of unknown origin, he seemed healthy, people oriented and sweet. Most veterinarians work with government-recognized nonprofit organizations, which enables them to offer low-cost options, although they do not have the resources to offer services to every feral cat that is brought in. Traps can be returned or used again, if trapping multiple stray cats. Pets in Stitches rents live release traps for secure and safe trapping of stray cats.

Earning Your Stray Cat’s Trust

This helps the cat’s stress levels as well as their comfort. A cat that can see out may become frantic and injure themselves. Choose a light covering for warm months and a heavier covering for cold months. Never leave traps unattended in an unprotected area so the cat can’t be injured or attacked within the trap. But you must also remain unseen so the cat approaches the cage.

Why do pets do weird things? Animal behavior experts weigh in. – The Washington Post

Why do pets do weird things? Animal behavior experts weigh in..

Others felines may be chilled out by a little catnip in the carrier. Certain cats respond well to relaxing pheromone sprays that you can spritz inside the carrier or diffuse in your home on the big vet visit day. Most stressed-out cats seem to find a dark cubbyhole more comfortable than a wide-open space. You can achieve this by either buying a carrier designed for darkness or cover the box with a towel.

Or, you can find a local TNR advocate or group and ask if they have a veterinarian they can recommend. Search for members near you at alleycat.org/FindFeralFriends. The cost of a trip to the veterinarian with a stray cat can be extensive if the kitty has multiple problems to address. At the very least, a check-up will give you a clear idea of what kinds of treatments the cat will need so you can determine whether you can handle the financial responsibility of making the cat healthy again. If you can’t afford to take a stray cat to the vet if they look sick or hurt, you should take the animal to a local humane society or no-kill shelter where they can get the help that they need.

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. And because this is what we call a “wound of unknown origin,” he is also under a rabies quarantine — a serious measure. Here in Massachusetts, he must be kept indoors under supervision for 6 months. Also, if you live in a cold climate, a heated water dish might be a good investment.

You can also call your local animal control to see if anyone has reported a lost cat matching the found cat’s description, or see if your local animal control has a networking group on Facebook . To take in a stray cat, start by feeding the cat outside at the same time every day until it gets comfortable with you. Next, place the food just inside your front door so the cat will enter your home. Then, make an appointment with your vet right away and keep the stray isolated from your other pets until it receives vaccinations. Be sure to ask the vet to scan for a microchip, since the kitty may belong to someone else.

Feral cats are not socialized and are not suitable pets, as they are often too fearful of people to ever be touched or domesticated. Feral kittens, depending on their age, may be young enough to tame. Stray Haven Rescue is a 501 non-profit animal rescue organization that was founded in St. Louis, Missouri. Stray Haven is dedicated to promoting the health, well-being, and welfare of all cats, domestic, stray, abandoned, and feral. We find loving homes for these animals once they’ve received veterinary care and are deemed healthy and fit for adoption. If one of the outdoor cats you feed is sick or injured, call your veterinarian and ask if they see feral cats.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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