TNR And Feral Cats

Approach her on her terms, working with her slowly once she is captured. You need to allow for her to be afraid, you can’t lose your patience with her, and you can’t rush her to “conform” to your expectations. If you can do all that, then you have what it takes to help this cat. If you’ve exhausted all your resources and failed to track down an owner, it’s likely that the cat has been abandoned and is in need of a new home. If you do, your first step, if you haven’t already done so, is to take them to the vet for a health check and to schedule vaccinations as well as spaying or neutering.

Hill's Healthy Advantage Kitten

As the number of susceptible animals increases, so does the risk of disease transmission . While feral cats that are returned to TNR colonies have been vaccinated for rabies, they are unlikely to get the necessary booster shots, which means that these cats do not have life-long immunity to rabies. Many people believe that feral cats are unhealthy and carry diseases that could potentially put humans and their pets at risk. According to Alley Cat, out of all of the feral cats that were examined to be spayed or neutered, less than half of one-percent (0.05) were euthanized due to medical issues. This means that almost the entire feral cat population is healthy and not carrying any diseases that could harm your pets.

Pregnancy, Nursing, Kittens

If he had a family, they didn’t neuter him before other cats started picking on him. Petting a cat and picking up a cat are very different things. Cats that are not used to being picked up often react very badly to leaving their feet. They can scratch, bite, and thrash wildly until they escape. Have your vet check for worms and parasites , test for FeLV and FIV, ringworm and lice. Learn how to effectively discipline your cat with this helpful list of do’s and don’ts.

Publication #WEC423

They used it but would vacate in the morning and come back at night at dinner time. Reply We don\’t have many feral cats around here, but we do have a number of cats that the neighbors let roam the neighborhood. I don\’t know how people just let their pet walk around like that. That said, when i see one without a collar, I take it to be scanned. I never know when it\’s just a roaming cat and when it\’s a cat that escaped when someone opened a door. Reply I am feeding a neighbors cat they decided they don’t want anymore it is no longer allowed inside.

Finally, don’t forget to speak with your neighbors and post flyers. In searching for a possible owner, you could even find someone interested in adopting the cat. And remember, if you are bringing the animal into your home, separate it from your other pets until you are certain that it’s healthy.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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