WEC423 UW468: How Effective and Humane Is Trap-Neuter-Release TNR for Feral Cats?

It’s the most effective method of indicating a feral cat is fixed, as it’s permanent and allows immediate visual confirmation of sterilization without having to handle, transport, or re-anesthetize the cat. For the extremely hard-to-catch cats, you can purchase a drop trap from Heart of the Earth. Please contact CSTAR, PET SAVERS, STAF, or BCAA for information on how to use a drop trap if you have never used one before. Since drop traps do not have bottoms and are fairly large, they cannot be used to transport the cat to a spay/neuter clinic. So, you’ll also need to have a regular trap on-hand, and you’ll need to carefully transfer the cat into this trap after you catch the cat in the drop trap. It’s also important to respect your neighbors’ wishes and to do your best to encourage cats in the managed colonies to refrain from roaming onto their properties.

Bring the cat into the shelter (please call first!) and we will spay or neuter the cat and you can return it to your property to live, knowing that it won’t reproduce. One thing people do not realize is that there are proper ways to perform trap-neuter-release on feral cats. It is important to understand how TNR works and how to properly execute the procedure before attempting it on your own, so read below and also try to attend a local training session if one is available to you.

Cat fleas carry numerous diseases that can impact people, including cat scratch fever , flea-borne typhus , and plague (caused by the bacteria, Yersinia pestis; Gerhod and Jessop 2013). Cat scratch fever is a frequently diagnosed disease in children and young adults that have had contact with cats (McElroy et al. 2010). Stray cats can readjust to living with people and may be good candidates for adoption into indoor homes if people have the time and means to foster and adopt. Kittens becomes socialized by interacting with peoplebeing held, spoken to, and played withfrom an early age.

Consider the potential benefits of providing cats with cost-effective parasite control.

Periodically retrapping cats for revaccination is ideal, although it may prove challenging to recapture cats. Reply I worry about the stray and feral cats getting ticks and fleas. Fleas can then lead to worms, and ticks and fleas both can cause other illnesses. Providing food, water, and shelter is only part of the solution for abandoned and neglected cats. They really need so much more, including spaying and neutering, tick, flea, and worm control, as well as, getting their teeth checked and their vaccines and health checks.

While stray cats that have been on their own for a long time may act very much like ferals, more recent strays may approach people, meow, and make eye contact. Unlike ferals, strays often live alone and have unkempt coats, looking dirty, matted and disheveled as a result of the stress of suddenly living alone outdoors. Also have the vet run stool cultures, rule out ringworm, and look for lice.

In Florida, the TNR strategy is being considered by many county governments as an option to manage/control feral cat colonies. Brevard, Palm Beach, Volusia, Gilchrist, and Okaloosa counties in Florida have amended their ordinances to make TNR legal . But is TNR an effective and humane method to reduce feral cat populations?

Find a dog food that fits your pet’s needs

If you find a homeless cat and cannot do anything else, please contact your local shelter or rescue organizations and alert them that you have spotted a stray or feral cat. So many folks don’t know how to look for flea “dirt,” find tiny ticks, or check out a stray cat’s skin and coat. Again, get this checked out so you don’t bring an unknown flea problem into your home or expose your other pets to pests. Many wildlife activists express concerns when a community looks to implement a TNR program, worried that returning free-roaming cats to their colonies will decrease the bird population – specifically songbirds. However, the reality is, TNR is beneficial to the bird population. Since competition for food disappears as cats are removed, this cycle continues, and unfixed new cats enter the colony and continue to breed at alarming rates, increasing the population size.

Whatever happens, never react to her in anger by yelling or hitting her. This will take you right back to the beginning, possibly never to gain any level of trust again. If you feel anger building to the point where you would react in a bad way to her, leave the room. It is advisable, however, that you don’t leave immediately after she has struck out at you, whether by hissing, swatting or biting. You don’t want to give her the idea that if she acts like that she can get rid of you. You want to end things as much as possible on a good note, even if that note is mutual ignoring.

But stray cats and feral cats are also different from each other in a very important wayin their relationship to and interactions with people. Reply Fortunately I live in an area where there aren\’t feral cats, but I did adopt a cat that had it\’s ear notched. Many cats will participate in excessive fighting, whether it be territorial, food-related, over a female cat, etc. Another behavior that is common among feral cats is spraying their urine on structures around your property to mark their territory. Nuisance behavior becomes more rampant when feral cats breed in sheltered areas close to or in homes it can lead to property destruction.

Your cat, too, is going to crave the wide open spaces she is used to. Being in heat makes that craving unbearable for her, and the decibel level of your home will rise, even soar, several notches. Of course, the best reason of all is that you will have a happier, healthier cat and if she does ever get out, you won’t be adding to the overpopulation problem.

Reasons to Bring a Stray Cat to the Veterinarian

A popular choice because of its safety, efficacy, and ease of administration is buprenorphine, which can be administered transmucosally following surgery to ensure continued pain control. As always, trained staff should monitor patients during all stages of anesthesia and recovery. Holding cats for only a short time (12-48 hours) reduces stress and prevents unnecessary handling. It may also allow a frightened tame cat to settle down and reveal his true colors—tame cats may turn out to have owners or be adoptable, so recognizing them is important.

Leave a nightlight on for her, but not a large overhead light. She knows instinctively that she can see better in the dark than most animals, humans included. Ferals especially respond very well to classical music, especially harp music if you have it.

The guide answers questions about cat food, litter, introduction to other animals and so on. And always double check all doors on the trap before transporting the cat to ensure everything is completely closed and secure. If any part of the trap seems like it is opening up too much and might lead to the cat escaping, use Zip Ties to secure the trap. Cats should be kept in the traps and transported to the clinic in the traps they were caught in. If you try to transfer a cat to another enclosure such as a carrier, you risk the cat escaping before the cat’s fixed. You can purchase Tru-Catch Traps directly from Tru-Catch, which often has free shipping on select items including the 30LTD trap, and from Heart of the Earth, which often offers volume discounts.

The process of taming involves confinement with daily handling sessions, and requires patient and committed caregivers. Feral kittens can be absolute spitfires—wear gloves and use thick towels during handling sessions. Caregivers should contact their local health department and seek medical care in the event of a bite. Torn ear flaps are a common injury among feral cats, leaving the appearance of a notched ear.

Most feral cats are fearful and run into hiding places when approached. Feral cats could be alone or with other cats and usually live away from populated areas. Also, they might have a “tipped” ear to show they have been fixed and returned. They are used to the human touch, and, although they might be shy or disoriented at first, stray cats are usually friendly.

WATCH: How to trap a feral cat

Socializing is time consuming, especially for older kittens, and results are not guaranteed. Even if you don’t like cats, TNR ear-tipped cats have an important job to do in keeping your neighborhood a nice place to live. House cats are friendly, they can easily be picked up and cuddled and they generally enjoy human attention. Barn cats are typically friendly, but generally do not like to be handled and prefer to be outside. Livingston County Animal Shelter does not have the resources to come out and trap cats for you, but you can rent the traps from us.

It could be that someone in your extended network knows where the kitty belongs. Again, calling your animal shelter to let them know that you have found what you think to be a lost cat, so they can contact you if the owner calls in. If you do not have the capacity to care for the cat while you search for the owner, make sure to call your local shelter and ask if you can bring the cat in. Never leave a cat at the door of a local shelter or fire station.

This can make it extremely difficult to locate and capture the litter once they are born outdoors. Finally, retrapping her may prove to be difficult, and she will continue to reproduce. Confining pregnant feral cats through delivery of their kittens is extremely stressful and not recommended.When you trap a lactating queen, make sure to search for kittens.

When you go into her room, always remember that you are still dealing with a wild animal, and you are the enemy. She is truly wild, and truly scared, she will try everything to get out of this confinement. Since you seem to be the gatekeeper to her confinement that means defeating you.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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