Low-Stress Ways to Get Your Feisty Claws-Out Cat to the Vet

If the cat has an owner, it is your responsibility to make a genuine effort to reunite cat and owner. PetKeen.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In the interest of avoiding this worst-case scenario, here are my top tips for cornering, capturing and confining cats for safe transport to the vet. I have one domesticated cat and got a new cat that was a feral cat; I got him fixed but this did not help, he still chased and hurt my other cat.

You cannot react on your emotions in front of her; you must just maintain the routine she is used to seeing. Keep it consistently the same whether she comes out or not. Cats do not like change; they like to change things on us though. The cat wants to see what type of emotion it will elicit, and then the cat will act accordingly. Working with a feral would be like working with an abused child. Just when you think you’ve gotten through, something in their brain kicks back to what they learned before and their experiences with adults.

If you’re not able to make a feral cat box, you can also buy one. There are cat heated bedsand unheated options as well as “houses” that can be used as shelters for stray cats. Some stray cats will be friendly right off the bat, but with others, it may take time and patience to establish trust.

Many of these cats avoid people; however, stray cats will sometimes yearn for human interaction . Once they get used to coming near you to eat, they may be willing to come to you for a pet and eventually into the carrier for transport to a veterinarian. Unless it is a life-and-death emergency, you will have to keep the cat safe and comfortable until you can get an appointment with a veterinarian.

If you’re wondering whether you can take a stray cat to the vet for free, you’re obviously someone who wants to help, and you deserve to be commended for your efforts. Your local animal shelter can probably lend you a suitable trap and advise you on where to place it, how to bait it, and how to use it safely. They will likely be thrilled to help you since you’re helping with the feral cat population. If this is your first time (or fiftieth!) taking a feral cat into your home and your heart, we strongly suggest that you find a support group.

Once it does, grasp the tick gently with the tweezers and stick it in the jar of alcohol. If your kitten has a lot of ticks, it is especially important she see a vet immediately. As previously mentioned, ticks can draw a lot of blood out of a kitten or cat, and your kitten could be highly anemic now and in great danger. Ticks also like to burrow down into the ears of feral kitties; they crawl in when the cats are asleep. If a shy kitten or a mother cat refuses to enter a trap, your cellphone may just help you out. Find a video of kittens meowing and play it on your phone, then place the phone at the back of your box or drop trap.

What to do if you find a stray cat – RSPCA South Australia

What to do if you find a stray cat.

If you manage to trap her kittens first, put them in a carrier or another box trap and place its door against the back end of the trap you plan to use to catch mom. If you’re already feeding community cats, you may soon find yourself overwhelmed by kittens, kittens and more kittens—unless you take quick action to get them spayed and neutered. Use ourcommunity cat resourcesto get these cats spayed and neutered while their numbers are still manageable.

Whatever whets your new cat’s appetite should be your go-to. You should take a stray cat to a veterinarian anytime that you are concerned about one and you can safely get them in a carrier for transport. Never chase a stray cat or try to corner or “capture” one, as this can cause unnecessary stress that can lead to even more health problems or even death. If you can handle the veterinarian costs, the following information can help you properly budget. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that whether you notice obvious wounds or illnesses or not, any stray cat you see probably needs veterinary care. Without it, a stray cat that is hurt or ill may not last long on the streets.

Work with local groups

Prop the trap up with a wooden stick or a full bottle tied with string, leaving enough string so you can hide a few feet away and hold the end of it. Move the trap to a quieter, protected place so the cat feels safer going into it. The more secluded, and the less people around, the better. Get involved with or help to supportorganizations or agencies that help community cats.

Continue to feed her daily to keep her in the area and get her spayed as soon as possible. Kitties can become pregnant again WHILE they are nursing their current litter. It is important to note that we are unable to provide medical advice nor can we provide you with all of the information you need to care for a pregnant or nursing stray and young kitties.

This will still allow the cat to breathe, but the cat may not be as panicked as it would in a smaller carrier. If you’d rather not place the cat inside of a container, consider using a cat harness instead. However, avoid just carrying your cat into the vet’s office, as cats can be really hard to control if they get startled or scared. Owners who feel carriers are uncomfortable for cats sometimes use a sports bag made from nylon to carry their cat and from the vet. Make sure you find a sports bag with at least some nylon or mesh sides so your cat can breath and see his environment when being transported to the vet’s office.

I did feed them in two different places to try to avoid the fighting. What can I give this cat so he gets sleepy and I can pick him up and put him in a cage? I would like to neuter him, because I really like him.

NEVER bring a female cat inside or otherwise relocate her if she has been recently nursing. This could result in the death of her entire litter. The cat may be nursing if she has less hair around her nipples or swollen mammary area. If this is the case, try to locate the kittens and bring them all inside—but never separate them. My feral cat was not able to adjust so I had to take him down.

If you’re really lucky, there is anorganization or agency in your areathat can help you TNR the feral cats you’re feeding. They may also be able to help find homes for friendly strays and kittens. If this help isn’t available in your community, you may still be able to find veterinarians who are willing to provide low-cost services for community cats. Trapping her will be traumatic for her, but cover the cage with a dark cloth to help her feel safe. Tell them if you can’t trap her, you will call and reschedule as soon as possible. This way you, and especially your other pets, have no contact with the kitty before she’s been checked out, had her shots, etc.

Many cats with FeLV and FIV in particular live long and happy lives, even in multi-cat households. FIP may be the exception, especially if kitty has the “wet form” of this disease. Again, discuss your options with your vet to determine what is right in your situation.

Someone may have filed a lost cat report that is a match. This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

We Find Homes for Homeless Kitties

The flea collar will kill the fleas once they are vacuumed up but, again just to be sure, take out the vacuum bag to the trash immediately. There are organizations that can help you make sure the kitty either finds a good home or—in the case of feral cats—receives proper medical care. “Your local TNR program can help safely trap a cat, get him medical care and then release him back into the wild. There are so many cat lovers out there who are willing and able to help in cases like this,” says Phillips.

Feral Animals

While this makes choosing toys they like easier, it also poses a danger to them. String can get tangled up in their digestive systems and require surgery to remove it. If it isn’t removed, it can cause a blockage, or cut through the intestine and cause peritonitis, and in some cases death. When cat-proofing, be sure to pay attention to taking away any string they might get at, and put away those wonderful toys on a string when they aren’t in use. Her first reaction to being let out of the trap/cage/carrier may be to RUN and escape.

What you need to do next will depend on whether the cat is friendly or feral (unsocialized/wild). A friendly cat who has been outside a while may appear feral at first but may really just be shy. Take some time to get to know the stray if you are able. If the cat is feral, please visit our Trap-Neuter-Return Program page for information and resources. There’s a feral cat in our house that’s always fighting with other feral cats. He’s a really nice cat, but he’s a big adult street cat and I know he won’t let me pick him up.

It will probably take several days prior to actually catching the cat, but Nigbur says you can try to win the cat over by feeding her consistently in your presence. Cats are likely to run away when they’re frightened. If your cat bolts out the car door, he might be difficult to find.

Always call your vet ahead of time if you plan to bring your cat in without a carrier. As with a sports bag, you can make a carrier more comfortable by putting treats, toys, and other items your cat enjoys inside the crate with him. Many owners equip sports bags with toys, blankets, and other items their cat might find comforting.

This went so far as to my original cat losing a lot of weight, while the feral one had gained a lot of weight; he was about 8 years old when I got him. He was the nicest cat toward me but a nightmare to the other cat. I had been trying to do everything to make it work for over a year.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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