On moving and relocating outdoor and feral cats: A quick and dirty how-to guide

This study modeled population fluctuation using estimated population parameters with different hypothetical management strategies, such as TNR at low and high removal intensities. At the end of 10 years using these models, outputs measured were population size and preventable deaths. Preventable deaths were defined as the number of cats that would not die as the result of a particular management strategy. The study reported that high-intensity TNR (50% of cats sterilized every 6 months) was the best solution for minimizing preventable deaths. However, results indicated that the best strategy to reduce cat populations was 50% removal of cats, either through euthanasia or adoption. One shortcoming of the modeling effort was the use of an immigration rate of 2%.

Reasons to Bring a Stray Cat to the Veterinarian

With its soft, long fur, and large, expressive eyes, the Persian cat has long been one of America’s favorite felines. If you’re a cat parent, you’ve probably already noticed that cats aren’t fond of change. Cats are highly territorial creatures who form a strong bond .. We often overlook playing with our cats, yet play is the best tool to train and socialize a cat. Reply When I bought my home in 2001, I was happily surprised to see lots of kitties running around.

Both websites also carry other models similar to the 30LTD trap with additional features, and we recommend the use of any of the Tru-Catch “30” or “36” trap models for trapping cats. We recommend setting up a thick tarp to protect the floor and placing piles of shredded paper on top of the tarp. Put the trap on the shredded paper and the cat will use it as a “litter box”, pulling it up through the bottom of the trap.

Unfortunately, feral kittens are not adoptable without extensive training first, and if a kitten does not get adopted in a shelter, it is likely to be subject to euthanasia. Ear tipping is performed in order to clearly and permanently mark neutered, vaccinated cats who are being humanely managed by TNR. Because it is often impossible to get close enough to a free-roaming cat to see a subtle mark or tattoo, such methods of identification are not useful.

Parasite infestations are common in cats—especially fleas, ear mites, and roundworms. For long-term control, repeated antiparasitical treatments are generally required, especially in the context of outdoor multicat environments, where the risk of re-infestation is high. For these reasons, a single treatment at the time of TNR may be of limited benefit in most cases. However, for some cats, especially those who are unthrifty and young , even temporary reduction in parasite burdens may provide significant support.

Reasons to Bring a Stray Cat to the Veterinarian

This room should be enclosed, so they’re not exposed to other animals that could attack them while in their traps, and it should be quiet, clean, warm, safe, and dry as they’ll be recovering from surgery. If this is your first time (or fiftieth!) taking a feral cat into your home and your heart, we strongly suggest that you find a support group. These people who have been there can encourage you on those down days, give suggestions when you feel lost, and smile and cry with you when you make those leaps of progress. One such group of people can be found at in the Caring for Strays and Ferals Forum. Joining is free, but the information and support you gain is invaluable.

To get her ready for that first real petting, let her get used to your hand being close to her and moving toward her. Let her sniff you so she knows that this thing moving toward her is part of you. When she comes out eventually while you are sitting on the floor, slowly place your hand on the floor palm flat, not near her but so she can see it. Let her make that first move toward you either by bumping your leg, arm or hand.

If a kitten does not become accustomed to people holding her and petting her within this crucial window, she will grow up apprehensive of humans and will not be suited to or happy living in homes. When we say a cat is “socialized” we mean she is accustomed to and enjoys companionship with people. To socialize a cat means to acclimate her to human touch, human spaces, and human sights, smells, and sounds.

This method does not provide a solution to the breeding problem and could cause more breeding in other areas to which the cat was relocated. If several cats are removed at one time, this can lead to an influx of rodents around your home and increase the spread of disease that these rodents are carrying. If their traps are too small for them to recover in, AFTER they have been fixed, you can carefully and safely transfer them to a larger enclosure such as a dog crate or cage. Your pets should never be in this recovery room with the feral cats. If you’re trapping multiple feral cats, they can all recover in the same room in their traps, but make sure you keep the traps covered to minimize stress levels. While stray cats are homeless, socialized cats, often looking for human companionship, feral cats are not.

Sometimes, the best way to get a cat into a trap is to withhold food for a day. Try again later that day or the next day, but don’t withhold food for longer than this. If you start trying to trap on Friday and the cat doesn’t get in or eat by Sunday morning, feed the cat like normal, reschedule your appointment, and try another method.

Keep in mind that some cedar-wood cat houseseven offer thick foam insulation as an option, so you don’t have to worry about that either. The food could attract scavengers like raccoons, and the water might spill and freeze. In extreme weather, cover the house’s walls and the floor with BoPET plastic sheets . You need to put a little food at the entrance and more food at the end of the trap. It’s best if the food has a strong smell that will attract the cat. This kitty had a bad wound on his foot, most likely the result of a violent cat fight.

Both of these studies used data collection methods for estimating abundance that are scientifically accepted. Immigration is the movement of cats from the surrounding area into the target population. One of the most popular programs currently in practice for feral and stray cats is the trap-neuter-return program, also referred to as TNR. Trap-Neuter-Release cat colonies can be reservoirs for human diseases for several reasons. First, TNR colonies have high rates of immigration because they attract other cats into the colonies (Gunther et al. 2011). Often these newcomers are animals that do not have vaccinations and are susceptible to disease.

There is a common misconception that the quality of life for free-roaming cats is extremely poor and that they live a life of suffering. Just like any other wild animal, cats are born with instinctual survival skills and can live comfortably in the wild. They are able to find shelter if they need it and hunt for their food. Feral cats will adapt to their environment just like a squirrel would. The cat remaining in this environment for at least a few days after surgery reduces the likelihood of the incision becoming infected and of too much strenuous activity causing the incision to reopen. If the cat is already used to eating in a large enclosable area such as a porch, garage, etc., set the trap in this area.

Get ready to interview potential adopters and do not offer the animal for free! Unfortunately, some people collect animals for research, for dog-fight training and other gruesome purposes, so be selective. You could also ask people at a rescue group to help with the interviews – they know how to do it and are usually up for it.

It’s a process that’s influenced by many factors of a cat’s life and takes time and effort from compassionate people. This is a surgical alteration showing that a free-living cat has been spayed/neutered. It’s part of “TNR”, which means “Trap”, “Neuter”, “Return”.


  • Locke

    Hi, my name is Lowell and I have always been interested in animals. I was born with a deep fascination for them that has only grown stronger as I've gotten older. This interest has led me to become a zookeeper. It's the best job in the world because it allows me to work with animals every day and learn more about them.

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